[open-linguistics] Creation of a joint linguistic LOD cloud

Pablo Mendes pablomendes at gmail.com
Mon Nov 21 14:17:29 UTC 2011

Hi all,
May I suggest that we use TheDataHub.org for cataloguing our datasets?

I have already tagged a few datasets with NLP and LOD.

But there is a larger number of NLP data sets that are not yet LOD.

So, if you're interested in triplifying some data, that could be a good
start. Say you are interested in part of speech data sets:

Anybody can add entries to TheDataHub.org and it is the same platform used
for the general-purpose LOD Cloud Diagram.


On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 11:12 AM, Sebastian Hellmann <
hellmann at informatik.uni-leipzig.de> wrote:

> Dear all,
> unfortunately I will not be able to attend the telco, as I am on holiday
> in December (1st-22nd) .
> The criteria for submitting data are not 100% strict. Here were is a
> summary of ideas:
> - Data which is not in RDF can be submitted to discuss about how to
> convert it to RDF.  The great advantage of Open resources is also that one
> person can provide the  data, while another person can triplify it.
> - The provided data should be "interlinkable" with other data sets. The
> exact definition of "interlinkable" was not yet tackled however. I think we
> have to refine based on the data that will be submitted.
> - I think there might also be the possibility to create a refinement chain
> with the different people that are in this group: 1. someone submits (open)
> data 2. somebody else triplifies it 3. somebody else interlinks it 4.
> somebody else hosts it 5. somebody else uses it to build an application ;)
> We also agreed that we will make a Linguistic LOD image in the style of:
> http://lod-cloud.net/
> All the best,
> Sebastian
> On 11/08/2011 10:53 AM, Sebastian Nordhoff wrote:
>> On Tue, 08 Nov 2011 08:55:25 +0100, Pablo Mendes <pablomendes at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>  Hi all,
>>>  That's great news, and I'd really like to get a glimpse on the RDF data
>>>> ... but as no one so far has jumped on the discussion so far, and as you
>>>> are not yet distributing the tool, I suggest that we continue to talk
>>>> about this off-list.
>>> I am also interested. :)
>> Hi Pablo,
>> that's great
>>  I am able to contribute a few datasets annotated with DBpedia resources,
>>> but some of them were created by other researchers, and I'd have to
>>> double
>>> check licensing with them.
>>> I also know of the the NERD ontology, which maps entity types used by
>>> entity recognition and disambiguation systems such as Alchemy API,
>>> Zemanta
>>> and DBpedia Spotlight.
>>> We plant to generate a larger dataset from these, but Dec is too short
>>> of a
>>> time frame for us.
>> If you only have a smaller, preliminary set by December, that would also
>> be welcome
>> Best
>> Sebastian
>>> Best
>>> Pablo
> --
> Dipl. Inf. Sebastian Hellmann
> Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig
> Projects: http://nlp2rdf.org , http://dbpedia.org
> Homepage: http://bis.informatik.uni-**leipzig.de/SebastianHellmann<http://bis.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/SebastianHellmann>
> Research Group: http://aksw.org
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