[open-linguistics] Criteria for Inclusion in LLOD

Sebastian Hellmann hellmann at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Fri Aug 3 08:34:40 UTC 2012

Triggered by John's email, I would like to discuss criteria for 
inclusion into LLOD.
Naturally, I would assume that
gives an outer frame, but we can discuss this.

Open issues are:
1. Does anything speak against adopting: 
http://richard.cyganiak.de/2007/10/lod/#how-to-join . The 50 link 
threshold is quite arbitrary.
2. Do we require the data to be "open"?
3. Shall we include schema? E.g. DBpedia Ontology, GOLD, POWLA, etc.
4. a) What counts as Linguistic data set and what not?
4. b) Should we include any other data sets from 

All the best,

Dipl. Inf. Sebastian Hellmann
Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig
   * http://sabre2012.infai.org/mlode (Leipzig, Sept. 23-24-25, 2012)
   * http://wole2012.eurecom.fr (*Deadline: July 31st 2012*)
Projects: http://nlp2rdf.org , http://dbpedia.org
Homepage: http://bis.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/SebastianHellmann
Research Group: http://aksw.org

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