[open-linguistics] Linguistic LOD cloud - help needed, now is the time to submit your data set

Christian Chiarcos christian.chiarcos at web.de
Fri Aug 10 01:16:41 UTC 2012

> I was aware of the very loose initial requirements and I am also aware that
> the barrier to get 5 star linked data ( http://5stardata.info/ ) is high (
> especially since there is actual work required ) .  This was ok as long as
> we assumed the "draft" status for the image. Now, I think the time is ripe
> to make a "real" one . What really changed now is that through MLODE we have
> some resources to provide help. So you might call my criteria 'hard', but
> not 'unfair' and I am the last one that wouldn't offer help (or try to
> organize help) in case anybody who promised and wants to join, gets left
> behind.

I know that, and I'm not criticising the introduction of harder
criteria, this definitely needs to be done at some point.

But this discussion should have started in a different way: (1)
Publicly suggesting to adopt (and to define) harder criteria and (2)
asking people about their ideas for a timeline.

I guess this may have happened in MLODE discussions or the last skype
meeting (which I -- unfortunately -- missed), but it is not documented
(not even in the minutes from the skype meeting), and for changes of
that scale, we *really* should use the mailing list to
announce/discuss them, and the wiki for documentation, because
otherwise people just get lost in the process.


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