[open-linguistics] Inclusion of the BLL Thesaurus in the LLOD cloud (diagram draft)

Dimitrova, Vanya V.Dimitrova at ub.uni-frankfurt.de
Fri Jan 20 12:50:26 UTC 2017

Dear all,

We are happy to announce the release of the Thesaurus of the 
Bibliography of Linguistic Literature (BLL). With immediate effect, it 
is available as a dataset via datahub.io for inclusion in the LLOD cloud:


The dataset /Bibliography of Linguistic Literature (BLL) Thesaurus/ 
includes two differently formalized models: BLL Thesaurus (SKOS) and BLL 
Ontology (OWL).

Here some background information:

The Bibliography of Linguistic Literature (BLL) is one of the most 
comprehensive linguistic bibliographies worldwide which also provides a 
bilingual, hierarchically organized thesaurus (BLL Thesaurus) in German 
and English. The BLL Thesaurus consists of more than 7.600 subject terms 
and covers the field of linguistics in its entirety: domains and 
sub-domains of linguistics, levels of language description, language 
identifiers, theoretical frameworks, etc.

Since 1971, the BLL Thesaurus has been continuously enhanced to cover 
new areas of research and novel application scenarios. Its primary use 
case continues to be the indexing of bibliographic entries, but since 
2013, the BLL Thesaurus has also been applied for indexing online 
resources in the context of the Linguistik portal (www.linguistik.de 
<http://www.linguistik.de>). In order to develop a LOD-based search 
within the portal, the thesaurus was formalized and extended with a 
linking to terminological repositories in the LLOD cloud.

The BLL Thesaurus was converted into SKOS in a fully automated manner. 
In the SKOS version, the original hierarchical structure and the 
internal relationships are represented by means of skos:broaderand 
rdfs:seeAlsorespectively. Based on the SKOS version, the BLL Ontology 
was created. The BLL subject headings were manually classified and 
reorganized by rigidly applying OWL/DL constraints. The class hierarchy 
is expressed by rdfs:subClassOf. Currently, the BLL Ontology comprises 
mainly the thesaurus branches Syntax, Morphology, Phonology and 
Lexicology. A linking model between the BLL Ontology and the OLiA 
Reference Model is already available. It includes 262 links.

The BLL, the BLL Thesaurus as well as the Linguistik portal are hosted 
and maintained by the University Library Johann Christian Senckenberg in 
Frankfurt, Germany.

Please contact me if you need any additional information

Best regards,

Vanya Dimitrova

Vanya Dimitrova, M.A.
Universitaetsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg
Bockenheimer Landstr. 134 - 138
60325 Frankfurt am Main

Tel: +49 (0)69/ 798-39251
E-Mail:V.Dimitrova at ub.uni-frankfurt.de

Lin|gu|is|tik - Portal für Sprachwissenschaft

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