[open-literature] Further work on openletters / opencorrespondence.org
print.crimes at yatterings.com
Wed May 5 10:44:42 UTC 2010
I've been doing some work to create an initial export of all the letters
in RDF using letters, FOAF, Dublin Core and OWL for the dates. Before I
go much further, I'd be grateful for some eyes to look at it and make
sure that it is correct (as this is my first go at creating RDF). You
should be able to get it from /data/endpoint .
I need to do more work on proper names at the moment but it does output
a graph of author, correspondent, date and the beginnings of referred texts.
Which reminds me. I've just gone to the trac instance to start making a
todo list public but I get:
Internal Server Error
TracError: IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/kforge/knowledgeforge.net/var/project_data/letters/trac/434/VERSION'
Whilst trac is down, can we use this or the help list as a brief bug
notification or do folks want to mail me directly and I'll post it on a
I've also begun the process of registering purl.org/letter to refer to
the letter schema addons. I'll complete it once I've had the domain
accepted by the maintainers.
As a sidenote, I'm aiming to get into a routine of doing an update every
second week starting May 15th with doing bits and pieces here and there
in between as I'm trying to finish rewriting my book (having had a
meeting with an agent yesterday and I really want to get it ready now).
All best,
On 03/05/2010 09:40, Rufus Pollock wrote:
> On 2 May 2010 15:03, Ben O'Steen<bosteen at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Cool - is there a way for me to start playing with this?
> Check out the README.txt -- discover problems drop in to irc.oftc.net#okfn!
> <http://knowledgeforge.net/letters/hg/file/94b031da8355/README.txt>
> Basically, start out by checking out the code (mercurial) from here:
> <https://knowledgeforge.net/letters/hg>
> And then doing usual python stuff.
> Rufus
> PS: if you just want to play around with some data for visualization
> there is some stand-alone code in the viz directory ...
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