[open-literature] Annotation Sprint

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Wed Feb 2 11:47:48 UTC 2011

Great work James! I've just tidied up the original blog post a little
bit to put the main info at the top.

I have also created an etherpad for planning and running the sprint
(we should use this as central planning point):


**Please add your name there if you think you may participate in the
sprint, whether virtually or in-person in Cambridge**.

I've also moved the nstructions there from the blog post (much better
in the pad as we can update etc).

Finally I am about to cross-post about it on the main http://blog.okfn.org/.


PS: one micro item: it is generally bad practice to use caps in online
stuff (fine in print!) as it comes across as 'shouting' :)

On 1 February 2011 21:44, James Harriman-Smith <jh570 at cam.ac.uk> wrote:
> Dear All,
> Everything is coming together for the annotation sprint, and I shall be
> testing the website on the faculty computer suite tomorrow morning. A new
> post has gone online announcing the event (there will be another on the day
> with instructions on how to login, etc.), and there is now the obligatory
> facebook event too:
> http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=198048416877940
> I attach a poster to this email, and append a plain text tag below:
> *********************************************************
> Open Shakespeare Annotation Sprint
> ------------------------------------------------------
> What would a critical edition of Shakespeare look like if it was edited not
> by one scholar but by thousands?
> Using specially-designed annotation software we intend to print an edition
> of Shakespeare unlike any other, incorporating glosses, textual notes and
> other information written by anyone able to connect
> to www.openshakespeare.org
> Work begins with a two-day annotation sprint...
> To participate, drop in to the English Faculty Library Computing Suite
> anytime on:
> Saturday 5th February: 11am to 6pm
> Sunday 6th February: 1:30pm to 6pm
> Contact: James Harriman-Smith, jh570 at cam.ac.uk
> Follow us on twitter: www.twitter.com/openshakespeare
> *********************************
> Make sure to advertise it around you!
> James
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