[open-literature] Saw this in the paper on Sunday...

James Harriman-Smith jh570 at cam.ac.uk
Tue Jun 28 08:12:44 UTC 2011

Hi Jack,

Do please comment on this for the blog. I don't have an iPad either, but I'm
sure you can get together enough materials from various website reviews in
order to formulate something about how it might be a model for open

Also, do you fancy picking up a few words of the day?


On 27 June 2011 23:40, G.G. Belloli <ggb24 at cam.ac.uk> wrote:

> Sorry that I've been so reticent with my support this term.
> Anyway, heard about this (in the Times, which I can't link to) and wonder
> whether it's the sort of thing one of us should comment on for the blog,
> given that it's very much in our field. I'm happy to volunteer, but as I
> don't have an iPhone I may not be the best placed person...
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/**technology/2011/jun/12/ts-**
> eliot-waste-land-ipad-app<http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2011/jun/12/ts-eliot-waste-land-ipad-app>
> J
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