[Open-science-fi] Fwd: [finn-oa] Fwd: Call for responses to the EU copyright consultation

Leo Lahti leo.lahti at iki.fi
Tue Jan 14 15:23:18 UTC 2014

Dear OKF Open Science Finland list members,

I received the request for comments below. Let me know if you are
interested to work on a response on behalf of OKFFI/Science.

br. Leo

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Roos Annikki <annikki.roos at helsinki.fi>
Date: Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 4:09 PM
Subject: [finn-oa] Fwd: Call for responses to the EU copyright consultation
To: finn-oa at helsinki.fi


Komissiossa on menossa tekijänoikeuteen liittyvä kuuleminen. Lausuntoja
pyydetään 5.2. mennessä. Tiedoksenne LIBERin puheenjohtajalta tullut
viesti. Lähettäkää mahdollisimman paljon lausuntoja omien
organisaatioidenne kautta. FinnOA:n piirissä pyritään valmistelemaan
kommentti lähiaikoina. Jaamme tietoa tämän listan kautta.

Yt. Annikki

Annikki Roos
Meilahti Campus Library TERKKO
Helsingin yliopiston kirjasto/
Helsinki University Library
PL 61 (Haartmaninkatu 4)
00014 University of Helsinki, Finland
tel. +358 9 191 26646,
mobile +358 50 415 5560

Begin forwarded message:

*From: *"Ayris, Paul" <p.ayris at UCL.AC.UK>
*Subject: **Call for responses to the EU copyright consultation*
*Date: *13. tammikuuta 2014 20.13.47 UTC+2.00
*Reply-To: *"Ayris, Paul" <p.ayris at UCL.AC.UK>


Until February 5th, the European Commission is gathering opinions on
copyright through its Copyright
 LIBER is working on a response, but it is also very important that as many
research libraries and national library associations respond to the
consultation as well, on an individual basis.  We have a great opportunity
to create an academic-friendly copyright regime in Europe, so I am writing
to encourage you to respond.

LIBER has gone through the consultation and highlighted some of the most
important questions for libraries.  We have turned this into a
straightforward guide, which you can use to work on the topics that matter
most to your library:http://www.libereurope.eu/copyrightconsultation

This is your chance to make a difference, please do respond to the
Commission’s consultation exercise.

With my best wishes,


Dr Paul Ayris
Director of UCL Library Services & UCL Copyright Officer
Chief Executive, UCL Press
President of LIBER  (Association of European Research Libraries)
Chair of the LERU Chief Information Officers Community (League of European
Research Universities)
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