[Open-science-fi] Fwd: Open Science Working Group and local groups in 2014

Joona Lehtomaki joona.lehtomaki at gmail.com
Sat Jan 18 09:08:36 UTC 2014

Hyvät avotiederyhmäläiset,

Alla oleva viesti saapui jo ennen joulua, mutta jäi silloin 
forwardoimatta. Pähkinäkuoressa asia koskee kansainvälisen open 
science-porukan organisoitumista ja toimintaa. Jos ketään kiinnostaa 
osallistua, niin tulevana maanantaina on aiheesta Skype-kokous. Laitan 
vielä kohta toisen, tuoreemman meilin.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Open Science Working Group and local groups in 2014
Date: 	Thu, 19 Dec 2013 10:45:51 +0000
From: 	Jenny Molloy <jenny.molloy at okfn.org>
To: 	Brian Glanz <brian.glanz at opensciencefederation.org>, Graham Steel
<steelgraham7 at gmail.com>, Antti Jogi Poikola <antti.poikola at gmail.com>,
Joona Lehtomäki <joona.lehtomaki at gmail.com>, Simone Codeluppi
<simone.codeluppi at gmail.com>, Matthew Todd <matthew.todd at sydney.edu.au>,
"S.C. Edmunds" <scott at gigasciencejournal.com>, Stefan Kasberger
<stefan.kasberger at gmx.at>, Rayna St <rayna.st at gmail.com>, Rafael Pezzi
<rafael.pezzi at ufrgs.br>, Keren Limor <keren.limor at gmail.com>, Peter
Murray-Rust <pm286 at cam.ac.uk>, Ross Mounce <ross.mounce at gmail.com>,
Samuel Moore <samuel.moore15 at gmail.com>, "Graves, Rosemarie"
<rg82 at leicester.ac.uk>, Peter Kraker <pkraker at know-center.at>, Alexandre
Hannud Abdo <abdo at member.fsf.org>, Nick Barnes <nb at climatecode.org>
CC: 	Michelle Brook <michelle.brook at okfn.org>, Katelyn Rogers
<katelyn.rogers at okfn.org>

Dear local open science group leaders (and other OKF-affiliated folk for
whom we have enormous respect for in your role as open science and data

We'd like to thank you for all your hard work in 2013 in organising the
open science community and also have questions about the future of the
open science working group. How do you think we might go about building
a sustainable structure for looking after the working group and
coordinating activities? I've had less time this year than the working
group needed and deserved, particularly as internationally we're seeing
more and more interest in open science and the time is right to really
expand our activities. I am heading into the last few months of my
doctorate so it looks unlikely this time allocation will increase, but
equally we've now reached the size where a multi-person team is simply
necessary to ensure that opportunities are seized and projects are
followed up.

Therefore, as per my email to the list earlier, we would like to put
together a group of community organisers to contribute to a variety of
roles. The time commitment will be flexible and relatively low, but it
will make a big difference to have someone keeping an eye on specific
areas. The roles and tasks might include:

   * Organising working group meetings
   * Advisory Board liaison
   * Planning open science events at OKFest 2014
   * Documenting events and updates from the working group
   * Blog Editing
   * Tech/Dev Liaison
   * Leading projects or documents
   * Event Organisation
   * Designing publicity materials and logos etc.

We'd like to hear your thoughts about this and whether you would be
willing to get more involved on an international level, although we
recognise that you're all putting in a lot of work with the local groups
and all manner of other projects. If you could advertise this
opportunity around your working groups as well that would be great!

In the near term, I would like to organise a Skype between as many of us
as possible in January and then reinstate a monthly working group
meeting (which I've been a bit lax with this year!). My idea was that
this might be hosted by a different local group each time which will be
great to keep up to date with your activities and get some feedback on
where we can collaborate on projects more, as well as ensuring the time
zone moves around. Thoughts on this would be most appreciated.

Doodle poll for Skype: http://doodle.com/78wgbbaeumbed3ws
Time zones are going to be a problem for some so let me know what works
for you and we can try and arrange another call.

Thanks again for everything you're doing and please reply with any
comments or questions - let's see if we can really grow the working
group in 2014 and get more people experimenting with and supporting open


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