[Open-science-nl] Negative Results Week
Rolf Zwaan
rolfzwaan at gmail.com
Tue Aug 8 21:47:26 UTC 2017
I agree with E.J. In addition to the arguments he makes, I'm worried that
at a more basic level, people will be associating open science with
negative results. I like the idea of "emptying the filedrawer."
2017-08-08 23:40 GMT+02:00 Eric-Jan Wagenmakers <ej.wagenmakers at gmail.com>:
> Hi Rosanne and others,
> Perhaps I am overly sensitive, but the term "negative result" is more than
> a little negative. Invariance is a key property of all laws of nature (take
> your pick), and it can be highly informative to know that something does
> not change (e.g., the new treatment does not cause more side-effects;
> increasing the speed limit from 120 to 130 km/hr does not lead to more
> fatal traffic casualties). I don't see any fundamental difference between a
> "positive" and a "negative" result -- these provide support for different
> statistical models, but it depends on the context what result is more
> informative or useful. I feel that calling them "negative results" is
> stigmatizing and actually confirms researchers' bias concerning their
> supposedly limited value. So just by picking that name you risk achieving
> the exact opposite of what you aim to achieve.
> Either "empty-your-file-drawer week" or "present-your-unpublished-work
> week" target the core problem more clearly. Just some thoughts, I might be
> completely off.
> Cheers,
> E.J.
> ********************************************
> Eric-Jan Wagenmakers
> Department of Psychological Methods, room G 0.29
> University of Amsterdam, Nieuwe Achtergracht 129B
> Letter: PO Box 15906, 1001 NK Amsterdam
> Parcel: Valckenierstraat 59, 1018 XE Amsterdam
> Web: ejwagenmakers.com
> Book: bayesmodels.com
> Stats: jasp-stats.org
> Email: EJ.Wagenmakers at gmail.com
> Cell: (+31) 6 45626624 <+31%206%2045626624>
> “Man follows only phantoms.”
> Pierre-Simon Laplace, last words
> ********************************************
> On Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 10:11 PM, Rosanne Hertzberger <
> rosanne.hertzberger at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> firstly I apologize for using this email-list. I will not send any other
>> emails, but I am looking to reach as many people interested in Open Science
>> and thought with this I might be hitting the bulls eye.
>> I am a writer at NRC Handelsblad and a microbiologist at the VU, I post
>> my science at www.reblab.org using an Open Kitchen Science approach. I
>> have a question for you:
>> In order to further promote Open Science I want to organize a "Negative
>> Results Week" or #NegResWeek. A social media campaign in which we try to
>> get as many scientists as possible (from all fields, all countries) to post
>> a Negative Result on an open science platform (BioRxiv, FigShare, Zenodo
>> etc) in a given week. Of course it is a legitimate question what a negative
>> result actually is, and whether it even exists, and these answers are
>> different depending on the field, but to me a negative result is when you
>> conclude "A has nothing to with B", "this protocol does not work", "this
>> theory cannot be proven". Perhaps the most negative side about a negative
>> result is when it remains unpublished. Perfectly sound science going to
>> waste because it is unfortunately not deemed worthy of time/effort/money to
>> publish.
>> I mentioned this a few times at meetings and luckily several health funds
>> (Reumafonds, Hartstichting, more to come) showed their interest. Like many
>> people, they too want science to become more transparent, more accessible,
>> and more efficient, which is in the interest of the patient and the general
>> public and ultimately also for science itself. They are putting together a
>> small budget to hopefully make this event happen. My job is to estimate how
>> much interest there is from the science community and see if we can get
>> some critical mass to make NegResWeek a success. So my first questions is:
>> would you like to participate in this Negative Results Week? And second:
>> would you be willing to make a short video, just using your smartphone,
>> with your name, institute, field and the words "I am participating in
>> Negative Results Week" with a few remarks explaining why. The goal is to
>> launch the initiative with a website full of researchers who will
>> participate, to entice others to join in as well and get their first taste
>> of Open Science.
>> I would really appreciate your feedback, your thoughts and hopefully,
>> your footage.
>> best regards,
>> Rosanne Hertzberger
>> 2017-04-03 17:19 GMT+02:00 Bosman, J.M. (Jeroen) <j.bosman at uu.nl>:
>>> Please excuse me: the Delft meeting is on *Monday* the 29th of May….
>>> Jeroen
>>> *From:* Bosman, J.M. (Jeroen)
>>> *Sent:* maandag 3 april 2017 17:12
>>> *To:* 'Amie.Fairs at mpi.nl'; 'zwaan at fsw.eur.nl'; 'D.Lakens at tue.nl'; '
>>> egon.willighagen at maastrichtuniversity.nl'; '
>>> c.h.j.hartgerink at tilburguniversity.edu'; 's.epskamp at uva.nl'; M.B.
>>> Nuijten; 'E.M.Wagenmakers at uva.nl'; Eerland, A. (Anita); '
>>> m.j.m.bonten at umcutrecht.nl'; 'h.ijzerman- at vu.nl'; 'J.S.Caux at uva.nl';
>>> Faez, S. (Sanli); 'c.j.albers at rug.nl'; 'b.zandbelt at donders.ru.nl'; '
>>> simon at simoncolumbus.com'; 'r.bekkers at vu.nl'; '
>>> t.van.der.zee at iclon.leidenuniv.nl'; Dotsch, R. (Ron); 'F.Wanders at uva.nl';
>>> J.M. Wicherts; M.A.L.M. van Assen; rosanne.hertzberger at gmail.com; '
>>> sander.vanderwaal at okfn.org'; 'p.a.a.vanden.besselaar at vu.nl'
>>> *Cc:* 'open-science-nl at lists.okfn.org'; Kramer, B.M.R. (Bianca);
>>> 'C.H.J. Hartgerink'
>>> *Subject:* report frrom Open Science meeting in Tilburg 20170331
>>> Dear all,
>>> Just wanted to let you know that the informal Open Science meetup in
>>> Tilburg last Friday was a lively, provided useful ideas, exchange of
>>> visions, feedback on the National Plan Open Science and more. Read all
>>> about it in the report we created in the etherpad:
>>> https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/open-science-tilburg
>>> By the way, on Friday 29th of May there is a larger Open Science meeting
>>> in Delft, probably 10AM-4PM. Please save the date. More info will follow
>>> soon, via the Open Science NL discussion list (
>>> https://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/open-science-nl) and other
>>> channels.
>>> Groet,
>>> Jeroen
>>> [image: 101-innovations-icon-very-small] 101 innovations in scholarly
>>> communications <https://101innovations.wordpress.com/>
>>> ------------------------------------------------------
>>> *---------------------------*
>>> Jeroen Bosman <http://www.uu.nl/staff/JMBosman>, scholarly
>>> communication specialist,
>>> esp. for geography and geosciences
>>> Utrecht University Library <http://www.uu.nl/library>
>>> email: j.bosman at uu.nl
>>> telephone: +31. 62 486 5967
>>> mail: Postbus 80124, 3508 TC, Utrecht, The Netherlands
>>> visiting address: room 2.50, Heidelberglaan 3, Utrecht
>>> web: Jeroen Bosman
>>> <http://www.uu.nl/university/library/en/disciplines/geo/Pages/ContactBosman.aspx>
>>> twitter @jeroenbosman <https://twitter.com/jeroenbosman>/
>>> @geolibrarianUBU <https://twitter.com/geolibrarianUBU>
>>> profiles: : Academia <http://uu.academia.edu/JeroenBosman> / Google
>>> Scholar <http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=-IfPy3IAAAAJ&hl=en> /
>>> ISNI <http://www.isni.org/0000000028810209> /
>>> Mendeley <http://www.mendeley.com/profiles/jeroen-bosman/> /
>>> MicrosoftAcademic
>>> <http://academic.research.microsoft.com/Author/51538592/jeroen-bosman>
>>> / ORCID <http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5796-2727> / ResearcherID
>>> <http://www.researcherid.com/ProfileView.action?queryString=KG0UuZjN5WmCiHc%252FMC4oLVEKrQQu%252BpzQ8%252F9yrRrmi8Y%253D&Init=Yes&SrcApp=CR&returnCode=ROUTER.Success&SID=N27lOD6EgipnADLnAbK>
>>> /
>>> ResearchGate <http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jeroen_Bosman/> /
>>> Scopus <http://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.url?authorId=7003519484> /
>>> Slideshare <http://www.slideshare.net/hierohiero> / VIAF
>>> <http://viaf.org/viaf/36099266/> / Worldcat
>>> <http://www.worldcat.org/wcidentities/lccn-n91-100619>
>>> Blogging (with others) at: I&M 2.0 <http://im2punt0.wordpress.com/>
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ---------------------
>>> *From:* C.H.J. Hartgerink [mailto:C.H.J.Hartgerink at uvt.nl
>>> <C.H.J.Hartgerink at uvt.nl>]
>>> *Sent:* maandag 27 februari 2017 12:53
>>> *To:* Bosman, J.M. (Jeroen); 'Amie.Fairs at mpi.nl'; 'zwaan at fsw.eur.nl'; '
>>> D.Lakens at tue.nl'; 'egon.willighagen at maastrichtuniversity.nl'; '
>>> c.h.j.hartgerink at tilburguniversity.edu'; 's.epskamp at uva.nl'; M.B.
>>> Nuijten; 'E.M.Wagenmakers at uva.nl'; Eerland, A. (Anita); '
>>> m.j.m.bonten at umcutrecht.nl'; 'h.ijzerman- at vu.nl'; 'J.S.Caux at uva.nl';
>>> Faez, S. (Sanli); 'c.j.albers at rug.nl'; 'b.zandbelt at donders.ru.nl'; '
>>> simon at simoncolumbus.com'; 'r.bekkers at vu.nl'; '
>>> t.van.der.zee at iclon.leidenuniv.nl'; Dotsch, R. (Ron); 'F.Wanders at uva.nl';
>>> J.M. Wicherts; M.A.L.M. van Assen
>>> *Cc:* 'open-science-nl at lists.okfn.org'; Kramer, B.M.R. (Bianca)
>>> *Subject:* Invitation for (informal) open science meetup
>>> Dear all,
>>> Following our previous emails on Open Science and your enthusiasm for an
>>> informal meeting for researchers that are currently actively involved in
>>> Open Science, we have now planned a date and time for such a meeting:
>>> *Friday March 31, 14:00-17:00 Cobbenhagengebouw, location C 186 Ruth
>>> First room, **Tilburg University*
>>> <https://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=tilburg%20university#map=17/51.56244/5.04679>
>>> During this meeting, we want to provide the opportunity to share your
>>> personal experiences, ideas and concrete initiatives around various aspects
>>> of Open Science, including (but certainly not limited to) preregistration,
>>> data/code sharing & re-use, preprints, reproducibility, open peer review
>>> models, societal outreach and assessment alternatives.
>>> Furthermore, we hope to discuss existing barriers and obstacles to a
>>> more widespread adoption of Open Science among researchers, and various
>>> steps that could be taken (either top-down or bottom-up) to help
>>> overcome these.
>>> Finally, we want to compare your ideas and action points for next steps
>>> to the goals and ambitions stated in the National Plan Open Science
>>> <http://www.openscience.nl> (signed by VSNU, KNAW, NWO, among other
>>> parties) and beyond. We can see how these ideas and action points align or
>>> complement each other, and what your advice to NPOS would be in how to
>>> reach out to researchers in general.
>>> If there are any other points you feel are important to discuss at this
>>> meeting, please let us know. The programme is flexible, everybody gets the
>>> chance to take the floor, and we foremost want the meeting to be useful for
>>> you. Needless to say, please bring your devices if you wish to show or
>>> demonstrate something.
>>> We hope to see many of you in Tilburg on March 31. Please confirm your
>>> participation by replying to this email, so we can plan some coffee, tea,
>>> and snacks. If you know of any other Open Science enthusiasts who might be
>>> interested to attend, we encourage you to send on this invitation. The
>>> maximal number of people we can accommodate is 30.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Chris Hartgerink
>>> Jeroen Bosman
>>> Bianca Kramer
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* Bosman, J.M. (Jeroen) [j.bosman at uu.nl]
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, February 09, 2017 1:05 PM
>>> *To:* 'Amie.Fairs at mpi.nl'; 'zwaan at fsw.eur.nl'; 'D.Lakens at tue.nl'; '
>>> egon.willighagen at maastrichtuniversity.nl'; '
>>> c.h.j.hartgerink at tilburguniversity.edu'; 's.epskamp at uva.nl'; M.B.
>>> Nuijten; 'E.M.Wagenmakers at uva.nl'; Eerland, A. (Anita); '
>>> m.j.m.bonten at umcutrecht.nl'; 'h.ijzerman- at vu.nl'; 'J.S.Caux at uva.nl';
>>> Faez, S. (Sanli); 'c.j.albers at rug.nl'; 'b.zandbelt at donders.ru.nl'; '
>>> simon at simoncolumbus.com'; 'r.bekkers at vu.nl'; '
>>> t.van.der.zee at iclon.leidenuniv.nl'; Dotsch, R. (Ron); 'F.Wanders at uva.nl'
>>> *Cc:* 'open-science-nl at lists.okfn.org'; Kramer, B.M.R. (Bianca)
>>> *Subject:* Open Science and the National Plan OS
>>> Dear all,
>>> Thank you for the many encouraging replies we received to our message on
>>> Open Science and the National Plan Open Science
>>> <https://www.openscience.nl/> signing and presentation later today.
>>> Most of you support a meeting in the near future of researchers that are
>>> engaged in Open Science.
>>> We hope to have a chance to talk with those of you who are able to make
>>> it to the signing ceremony today, and will contact all of you to discuss
>>> timing and programme of a meeting. And of course we very much welcome
>>> anyone willing to help in arranging the meeting.
>>> We will also talk to NPOS platform people to see what they are up to and
>>> align (but not slow down) actions.
>>> Kind regards, looking forward to meet you,
>>> Bianca Kramer (@MsPhelps) & Jeroen Bosman (@jeroenbosman)
>>> both at Utrecht University Library
>>> [image: 101-innovations-icon-very-small] 101 innovations in scholarly
>>> communication <https://101innovations.wordpress.com/>
>>> ------------------------------------------------------
>>> *---------------------*
>>> Jeroen Bosman, faculty liaison for the Faculty of Geosciences
>>> Utrecht University Library <http://www.uu.nl/library>
>>> email: j.bosman at uu.nl
>>> telephone: +31.6.24865967 <+31%206%2024865967>
>>> mail: Postbus 80124, 3508 TC, Utrecht, The Netherlands
>>> visiting address: room 2.50, Heidelberglaan 3, Utrecht
>>> web: Jeroen Bosman
>>> <http://www.uu.nl/university/library/en/disciplines/geo/Pages/ContactBosman.aspx>
>>> twitter @jeroenbosman <https://twitter.com/jeroenbosman> /
>>> @geolibrarianUBU <https://twitter.com/geolibrarianUBU>
>>> profiles: : Academia <http://uu.academia.edu/JeroenBosman> / Google
>>> Scholar <http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=-IfPy3IAAAAJ&hl=en> /
>>> ISNI <http://www.isni.org/0000000028810209> /
>>> Mendeley <http://www.mendeley.com/profiles/jeroen-bosman/> /
>>> MicrosoftAcademic
>>> <http://academic.research.microsoft.com/Author/51538592/jeroen-bosman>
>>> / ORCID <http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5796-2727> / ResearcherID
>>> <http://www.researcherid.com/ProfileView.action?queryString=KG0UuZjN5WmCiHc%252FMC4oLVEKrQQu%252BpzQ8%252F9yrRrmi8Y%253D&Init=Yes&SrcApp=CR&returnCode=ROUTER.Success&SID=N27lOD6EgipnADLnAbK>
>>> /
>>> ResearchGate <http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jeroen_Bosman/> /
>>> Scopus <http://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.url?authorId=7003519484> /
>>> Slideshare <http://www.slideshare.net/hierohiero> / VIAF
>>> <http://viaf.org/viaf/36099266/> / Worldcat
>>> <http://www.worldcat.org/wcidentities/lccn-n91-100619>
>>> blogging at: I&M 2.0 <http://im2punt0.wordpress.com/> (with others)
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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