[open-science] US Congress considering bill to restrict NIH open access publication

Hilary Spencer h.spencer at natureny.com
Wed Sep 17 16:24:35 UTC 2008

Lots of coverage on Peter Suber's OA News blog:

Since the House begins their recess on Sept 26th (and doesn't reconvene 
until January), no action will be taken on this bill until 2009:

oscimike wrote:
> From http://arstechnica.com/articles/culture/open-access-science.ars
> "The House of Representatives has seen the introduction of 
> legislation, HR 6845 
> <http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c110:H.R.6845:> that, depending 
> on its final format, may significantly curtail or eliminate the NIH's 
> ability to continue its open access policy. The current bill would 
> prevent any arm of the federal government from making research funding 
> contingent upon "the transfer or license to or for a Federal agency 
> of... any right provided under paragraph (1) or (2) of section 106 
> <http://www.law.cornell.edu/copyright/copyright.act.chapt1b.html> in 
> an extrinsic work, to the extent that, solely for purposes of this 
> subsection, such right involves the availability to the public of that 
> work." Those Section 106 rights include the reproduction of the work."
> Extremely concerning, if you ask me the PubMed open access is one of 
> the best things NIH has done recently, and should be supported, not 
> endangered!
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