[open-science] Open Science Microformats/Pattern languages? was Re: Launch of the Panton Principles for Open Data in Science + Is It Open Data?

Nathan R. Yergler nathan at creativecommons.org
Thu Feb 25 18:58:33 UTC 2010

On 02/25/2010 04:15 AM, Mr. Puneet Kishor wrote:
> On Feb 24, 2010, at 6:56 PM, Jean-Claude Bradley wrote:
>> We added this CC0 logo and license
>> <a rel="license"
>> href="http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/"
>> style="text-decoration:none;">
>>     <img src="http://i.creativecommons.org/l/zero/1.0/88x31.png"
>> border="0" alt="CC0" />
>>   </a>
>> to the nav bar on the ONSC wiki
>> http://onschallenge.wikispaces.com/
>> and to the results of any solubility search:
>> http://old.oru.edu/cccda/sl/solubility/allsolvents.php?solute=benzoic%2520acid
>> Does this meet the requirements for machine readability of CC0 intent?
> Jean-Claude,
> Seems like you didn't copy the entire code fragment from the CC0
> chooser. If you had, the above would have looked like so
> <p xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/"
> xmlns:vcard="http://www.w3.org/2001/vcard-rdf/3.0#"> <a rel="license"
> href="http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/"
> style="text-decoration:none;"> <img
> src="http://i.creativecommons.org/l/zero/1.0/88x31.png" border="0"
> alt="CC0" /> </a> <br /> To the extent possible under law, <a
> href="http://onschallenge.wikispaces.com/" rel="dct:publisher"><span
> property="dct:title">Jean-Claude</span></a> has waived all copyright and
> related or neighboring rights to <span property="dct:title">ONS
> Challenge</span>. </p>
> Note: I am using your name and your resource name only for illustration.
> The XML namespace declaration tells a parser that "the terms we are
> going to use here are as per their meaning established by the Dublin
> Core initiative." See
> http://dublincore.org/documents/usageguide/elements.shtml
> This ensures that when you say poh-tah-toh and I say poh-tay-toh, we
> don't call the whole thing off.
> Once the parser has established that we are talking DC-speak, which will
> henceforth (for the scope of this session) be referred to by the alias
> 'dct', it knows exactly what you mean by dct:publisher and dct:title, etc.

Just to add a bit of additional information: the *bare minimum* is
rel="license"; that says "this resource is made available under the
linked legal tool".  We think adding information about the work,
publisher, and territory adds additional value and clarity.  For
example, it provides easy to find information if someone wants to cite
use of your work.

> Now, I understand that you may not want to pollute your lovely looking
> navbar with all the text that will show up. No problem -- just put the
> stuff you don't want humans to see as an html comment. A source code
> parser will still be able to crack the meaning out, and your web page
> will still look lovely. The point is, don't omit the code, as that is
> what adds the machine-readable intelligence to the license waiver.

Actually putting it in an HTML comment is not advised.  Parsers can and
do throw those away.  If you don't want it to show up for users, you can
always use CSS to hide it.

Let us know if you have any more questions.



> Hope that helps.
>> Jean-Claude
>> ..

Nathan R. Yergler
Chief Technology Officer
Creative Commons


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