[open-science] Compiling licence details for all open access journals in UK PubMedCentral (or PMC)

Ross Mounce ross.mounce at gmail.com
Tue Dec 13 13:09:06 UTC 2011

> What qualifies a journal to get onto this sheet?

I've taken a slightly more inclusive approach than PMR actually.

I've included more than just OAhybrid journals.

My position is that it should be a survey of all research publications
(e.g. journals, articles) that claim or self-label themselves as "open
access". Many as we have discovered are in fact NOT Open Access as per
the Budapest Declaration, despite this self-applied label.

Thus included on the spreadsheet are OA hybrid journals,publishers,
"open access" journals/publishers, and proper Open Access (Budapest
Declaration) journals/publishers.

Sometimes a publisher has multiple types of journals. So we try and
differentiate between those streams. I suggest we score only those
that are labelled "open access". Hence I should probably remove AAAS
(Science) as AFAIK I don't they claim to make any of their articles
"open access" - please correct me if you can find any though!

However, I concede there may be another interesting line of
investigation - that of journals that cleverly word their terms and
conditions so as NOT to make use of the phrase "open access", whilst
simultaneously making articles freely available and claiming that this
is in full-compliance with funding agencies such as Wellcome Trust,
NIH, NSF etc... Within the current scoring scheme of the spreadsheet
to include this might be tricky - another separate colour perhaps, for
cases such as these?

Has anyone looked into whether CC-NC is compatible with funders terms
and conditions?
I hope it is not; as we have seen in many of the discussion threads
here recently - the CC-NC license can and does harm research re-use



PS Feel free to discuss further scoping issues, I'm just voicing my opinion...

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