[open-science] How CC-BY can become TA

Tom Moritz tom.moritz at gmail.com
Wed Dec 14 19:07:36 UTC 2011

In my view, the problem ultimately may have to do with establishing a
"canonical" / authoritative form of the original
paper?  A form that is held by a trusted repository (other than the author)?

This is where the volatility of digital media createds rsik to the
traditional practice of scienitific publishing?

*Tom Moritz
1968 1/2 South Shenandoah Street,
Los Angeles, California 90034-1208  USA
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“Πάντα ῥεῖ καὶ οὐδὲν μένει” (Everything flows, nothing stands still.) --*
Heraclitus *
"It is . . . easy to be certain. One has only to be sufficiently vague." --
C.S. Peirce  *
*"Kathambhutassa me rattindiva vitipatanti" (“The days and nights are
relentlessly passing; how well am I spending my time?”)  -- *"Ten Subjects
for Frequent Recollection by One Who Has Gone Forth"*
*"Il faut imaginer Sisyphe heureux."  ("One must imagine Sisyphus happy.")
-- Camus*

On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 8:59 PM, Thomas Kluyver <takowl at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 14 December 2011 18:01, Heather Morrison <heatherm at eln.bc.ca> wrote:
>> If a journal or author uses the CC-BY license, these services can sell
>> these articles, too. If anything happens to the original OA copy, then
>> there is a realistic possibility that the only way to access the copy will
>> be to pay these charges.
> But with the internet, 'the original OA copy' is irrelevant. Anyone can
> provide it on the web - the author, their institution, researchers building
> their own bibliography, bloggers commenting on the piece, and so on. The
> bandwidth costs for a typical academic paper are already negligible, and
> will only get cheaper.
> I appreciate your point that businesses will work to cut off free
> competition, and I agree that there's a real danger of them doing that with
> paper-based document delivery. But the open-access question is primarily
> for new content being generated today, which is invariably available
> electronically. It's inconceivable that they could cut off legal document
> sharing on the internet, even with the most pro-business government. They
> can hardly control *illegal* redistribution of music, even with laws like
> the American DMCA in place.
> Thomas
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