[open-science] Should scientific text be put in the public domain rather than licensed with CC-BY?

Mr. Puneet Kishor punkish at eidesis.org
Thu Jan 13 14:10:02 UTC 2011

Paweł Szczęsny wrote:
> Slightly off-topic question, although I believe it's in the same spirit.
> How is CC0 waiver compatible with agreements one has with employer
> concerning managing IP rights?

In the United States (possibly elsewhere as well), your work-for-hire 
contract with your employer will likely preempt anything you can or may 
do. Check your employees manual, or ask your institution's legal 
department that should be happy to assist with such issues.

> Scientific texts are usually of little
> interests to universities, but they often do care about educational
> materials. In theory it should be easier to dedicate such materials to
> PD/CC0 (or whatever is the proper phrase), as authors of
> textbooks/courses don't rely on citations that much as scientists.
> Any ideas?
> PS
> --
> Paweł Szczęsny
> http://pawelszczesny.org
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Puneet Kishor

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