[open-science] Should scientific text be put in the public domain rather than licensed with CC-BY?

Peter Murray-Rust pm286 at cam.ac.uk
Thu Jan 13 17:40:17 UTC 2011

2011/1/13 Paweł Szczęsny <ps at pawelszczesny.org>

> Slightly off-topic question, although I believe it's in the same spirit.
> How is CC0 waiver compatible with agreements one has with employer
> concerning managing IP rights? Scientific texts are usually of little
> interests to universities, but they often do care about educational
> materials. In theory it should be easier to dedicate such materials to
> PD/CC0 (or whatever is the proper phrase), as authors of
> textbooks/courses don't rely on citations that much as scientists.
> Any ideas?
> Pragmatically I think we separate scholarly articles ("papers") from other
efforts such as Teaching/Learning materials, and theses.

Many of us in OKF want to see Open Theses but the ground rules are different
(the copyright is normally the student's) and the challenge is with the
universities to address this rather than primary and secondary publishers.
So just as important but a different type of activity.


Peter Murray-Rust
Reader in Molecular Informatics
Unilever Centre, Dep. Of Chemistry
University of Cambridge
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