[open-science] OAI7 Open Science Workshop - Vote results

Jo Walsh metazool at gmail.com
Mon Jul 4 09:25:35 UTC 2011

On 03/07/2011 20:38, David F. Flanders wrote:

> No.4 - Change the way scientists are evaluated! <-- Well done Cameron
> Neylon and group ;-D

Great! Was in that breakout group and memory suggests that this proposal 
began life as "Change the way *research* is evaluated" - or perhaps 
researchers, if you like.

Enjoyed the Open Science session at OAI7 very much and would like to 
take it as the model for an "Open Scholarship" session at Repository 
Fringe (in Edinburgh 3-5 August) http://www.repositoryfringe.org/

The thrust here is that many of the aspirations (open process, open 
data, mass collaboration) apply across *all* fields of scholarship and 
there is lots to learn from what the Open Science movement has already 

I would very much like to help start, or collaborate on, an OKF project 
aimed at meeting this goal - changing the way research is assessed - 
hacking on some alt-metrics, doing a spot of web crawling scraping and 
aggregation, maybe Cameron's recent work has already spawned a body of 
free software to think about / make a start from?

Missed the first day of OKCon thus also this talk, promising:

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