[open-science] SWAT4LS Hackathon Update

Jenny Molloy jenny.molloy at okfn.org
Wed Jun 29 13:25:34 UTC 2011

Dear All

The working group is organising a hackathon as part of the SWAT4LS
conference (http://www.swat4ls.org/) - see below for more details and a call
for volunteers!

When: Wednesday 7 December 2011, all day

Where: ULU, London (TBC)

A one day open data in science hackathon with partcipants from the Semantic
Web for the Life Sciences community.
The theme is to be generating open research reports using bibliographic data
from PubMedCentral, focussing on malaria research. It is also designed to
demonstrate what can be done with open data and discussions/ideas generated
throughout the day will doubtless be wide ranging! Demos and discussions
will also take place at the SWAT4LS meeting proper the next day.

What we need:
Volunteers with hackathon experience to assist on the day, and also in
developing a framework for participants prior to the day itself, to ensure
it is as productive as possible.

If you're interested in assisting, let me know at jenny.molloy at okfn.org

Thanks very much!

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