[open-science] Fwd: New edition UKDA guide: Managing and Sharing Data

Bubela, Tania tania.bubela at ualberta.ca
Fri May 6 16:23:27 UTC 2011

I can't agree with John more. Well put.

This is a bit of an aside, but I have 2 years of funding for a Research Fellow/postdoctoral fellow to address policy issues in the data and bioresource commons. The issues will largely surround animal models for human diseases, but can also capture issues related to drug discovery more broadly.  If any of you know of a person interested in moving to the University of Alberta for two years to work with me on this opportunity (with the caveat that they also be keen on analysing data and publishing paper, of course), please do let me know so that I can forward a formal job advertisement. I would prefer a person with a science policy/legal background, although a law degree is not essential. The position could start anytime in the Fall through January of next year.


Tania Bubela
Associate Professor, School of Public Health
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
tbubela at ualberta.ca
From: open-science-bounces at lists.okfn.org [open-science-bounces at lists.okfn.org] On Behalf Of john wilbanks [wilbanks at creativecommons.org]
Sent: May-06-11 10:15 AM
To: open-science at lists.okfn.org
Subject: Re: [open-science] Fwd: New edition UKDA guide: Managing and Sharing Data

this is a trending part of the data conversation that i am seeing
worldwide - licenses on data are considered a tiny part of overall data
management. the UK is the most progressive, and the US default position
of public domain is nice (though we are continuing to press for its
being in the PD globally, and not just domestically). but when the
scientists who are not on this list gather to talk data with their
funders, IP is rarely at the top of the agenda.

it is of course essential, but far from sufficient, for data to be
"open" - if it's not annotated, doesn't have provenance, doesn't have
tracks of how it came from its original raw forms to the intermediate
processed forms that are so much more useful, doesn't have tracks of the
feedback loops that processed it, etc.

i now spend much of my time these days *outside* the open science world,
in what they call out here the "big data" world. most of the data people
i talk to are obsessed with all of the ways data is made a) useful via
tooling and annotation and b) social (in the sense of the feedback loops
and conversations among big data users, not in the facebook sense) and
are not very concerned with the openness of data in the absence of a)
and b).

we've got to get serious as a community about addressing these things
ourselves, or we risk becoming a one-note community obsessed with
whether or not data is "open" rather than joining the debate about how
to make data *useful* - and making the open argument a key to that
broader one.

My .02


On 5/6/2011 4:55 AM, Jonathan Gray wrote:
> Surprised to see only one mention of "open data" on page 30. A shame that
> there isn't a brief step by step guide to openly licensing data in the
> guide!
> Does anyone know any of the authors of this that we could contact - to see
> if they'd consider putting this in next time?
> J.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> The UK Data Archive has just published the 3rd edition of its 'Managing and
> Sharing Data - best practice for researchers' guide.
> It is available online at: *
> http://www.data-archive.ac.uk/media/2894/managingsharing.pdf*<http://www.data-archive.ac.uk/media/2894/managingsharing.pdf>
> Hard copies can be requested from *Communications
> enquiries*<comms at data-archive.ac.uk>
> .
> This edition contains much new content, illustrated with numerous case
> studies. Guidance is aimed at researchers across the natural and social
> sciences and humanities, and covers:
>      - why and how to share research data
>     - data management planning and costing
>     - documenting data
>     - formatting data
>     - storing data
>     - ethics and consent in data sharing
>     - data copyright
>     - data management strategies for large investments
> New and updated guidance results from working closely with researchers,
> centres and programmes within the JISC-funded Data Management Planning for
> ESRC Research Data-rich Investments (DMP-ESRC) project.
> The guide is published thanks to funding from the Joint Information Systems
> Committee (JISC), the Rural Economy and Land Use (Relu) Programme and the UK
> Data Archive.
> *T* +44(0)1206 872234; 07768432422
> *E*  *veerle at essex.ac.uk*<http://veerle@essex.ac.uk>
> *W **www.data-archive.ac.uk*<http://www.data-archive.ac.uk/>
> *_______________________________________________________*
> ..........................................................................................................................................................................
> Legal Disclaimer:  Any views expressed by the sender of this message are not
> necessarily those of the UK Data Archive or the ESRC.
> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended
> solely for the use of the individual(s) or entity to whom they are
> addressed.
> ..........................................................................................................................................................................
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John Wilbanks
VP for Science
Creative Commons
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