[open-science] Attribution, Rights and Licensing of names and compilations of names

Ross Mounce ross.mounce at gmail.com
Wed Mar 6 11:03:28 UTC 2013

Dear all,

GlobalNames.org is running a workshop in mid-April in Arizona to assess
the Attribution, Rights and Licensing of names and compilations of names.
At the moment this area is regrettably fuzzy and this causes real issues in
scientific research:

some taxonomic organisations do NOT provide open data e.g.




whilst others are open e.g.

further details and discussion here on the TAXACOM mailing list:

The aim of the workshop is a report that clarifies if and how we share
[organism] names.

We seek submissions from all interested parties - nomenclaturalists,
taxonomists, aggregators, and users of names. Let us know what (you think)
intellectual property rights apply or what rights should be associated with
names and compilations of names. How can those who compile names get useful
attribution for names, and what responsibilities do they have to ensure
that information is authoritative. If there are rights, what kind of
licensing is appropriate.

The submissions will be considered by those attending the workshop.

Contributions can be submitted
where you will find more information about this event.


David Patterson globalnames.org I would certainly be interested in hearing
from anyone that has found this uncertainty wrt Attribution, Rights and
Licensing of organism names as an impediment to research. The Open
Knowledge Foundation may well contribute a submission for this workshop.


Ross Mounce
PhD Student & Open Knowledge Foundation Panton Fellow
Fossils, Phylogeny and Macroevolution Research Group
University of Bath, 4 South Building, Lab 1.07
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