[open-science] citing a code and data on a GitHub repository

Emanuil Tolev emanuil at cottagelabs.com
Mon Nov 11 18:27:00 UTC 2013

A mix of BibJSON fields can probably *describe* such a reference
satisfactorily in a machine-friendly format. http://www.bibjson.org/

If I had to do it in my own work, I'd work up from that, trying to make
sure it's consistent with whatever format I'm using for the rest of the
bibliography (e.g. IEEE). Most of them have some measure of support for "a
thing with a URL". I realise that's not ideal though, and BibJSON is only
good as far "what pieces of information do I put in" goes, not, say,
formatting them.


On 11 November 2013 17:50, Piotr Migdal <pmigdal at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> Does any of you know what is the preferred way to cite code (placed on
> GitHub)?
> I saw the question here:
> http://academia.stackexchange.com/questions/14010/how-do-you-cite-a-github-repository
> Also, a similar question (i.e. citing things not being journal
> publications) for  OEIS:
> http://mathoverflow.net/questions/131245/how-to-cite-a-sequence-from-the-on-line-encyclopedia-of-integer-sequences-oeis
> Do you know what is "good practice"?
> Is there some (perhaps informal) place trying to standardize the format
> (e.g. in BibTeX) or in general worth looking for a reference?
> Regards,
> Piotr
> BTW: http://offtopicarium.wikidot.com/
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