[open-science] NeuroStars, a Q&A site for neuroscience

Kaitlin Thaney kaitlin at mozillafoundation.org
Fri Jul 11 09:08:37 UTC 2014

Hi all,

Also worth saying that when it comes to setting up DOI minting services, would highly recommend using some of the free services out there already - many that have open APIs (figshare, Zenodo) which also mint DOIs for everything you upload - you just need to decide how granular you want to be in splicing that information. It saves you the cost and the negotiation with groups like DataCite (note: I helped broker the arrangement between figshare and DataCite to bring DOIs into their offering, and we've also had a project at the Science Lab about code citation and reproducibility using the APIs). :)

Just some food for thought, here. Happy to discuss offlist as a separate thread from what Bill's setting up if anyone wants to delve into those details.

Thanks again!

- K

sent on the move. apologies for typos. 

> On 11 Jul 2014, at 00:30, Bill Mills <mills.wj at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Istvan,
> That's awesome that the data sharing is going to ship so soon, I'm excited for it!  Also, working on the subsequent features you describe to enhance your data categorization makes a pretty natural on ramp for new collaborators - if you want to set up a call for developers on any of those, just let me know.  Roman and I are talking about focusing on the batch of issues he picked out on NeuroStars for the upcoming Mozilla Science Sprint; afterwards, we'll see how that milestone is doing, and where BioStars is at with its data distribution.  Great ideas and great work coming out of this whole family of projects - thanks very much for looping me in, and please don't hesitate to chat with me about ideas for potential contributions.  
>> On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 4:34 PM, Istvan Albert <iua1 at psu.edu> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 12:15 AM, Bill Mills <mills.wj at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  clearer understanding of the roadblocks you hit with DOI provisioning.  
>> not a roadblock just one needs to pay for the service. 
>> From what I understood when I did my evaluation (maybe two years ago) was that one needs to buy into the service via a DOI Registrar and if I recall correctly at that time the cost was at the magnitude of thousands of dollars per year. I did not investigate that much longer though, paying as an individual was kind of out of the question at that point so I moved on.
>> I am all for adding DOI support directly or via a third party. People do ask me if the post ids on Biostar will stay the same and they do, over three different completely different releases we maintained and even when we simplified the url scheme the old urls are still redirect correctly. Associating a unique identifier with each posts should be a fairly straightforward task.
>> We are planning to have the first version of data sharing  go live within a few weeks, likely this month. But that is just the first step. I think categorizing and searching are those components that will add a lot value and will separate us from others.
>> best,
>> Istvan
>> -- 
>> Istvan Albert
>> Associate Professor, Bioinformatics
>> Pennsylvania State University
>> http://www.personal.psu.edu/iua1/
> -- 
> Best Regards,
> Dr. Bill Mills
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