[open-science] Open Science Working Group Coordination Call - 20 Jan 18:00 UTC

Jenny Molloy jenny.molloy at okfn.org
Mon Jan 20 17:45:13 UTC 2014

Dear All

Just a reminder about the call in a little over 15 mins for anyone who
wishes to join!

It's been brought to my attention that a 0 got appended to the agenda URL,
which should have been http://okfnpad.org/p/science-coord-20jan2014

Do check this out at your convenience if you can't make the call and I look
forward to speaking to some of you shortly.


On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 12:37 PM, Jenny Molloy <jenny.molloy at okfn.org>wrote:

> Dear All
> Thank you to those of you who got in touch following my email late last
> year to offer your help coordinating the open science group and starting
> new local groups. Below is an update on the next steps and a further
> invitation to get involved if you would like to do so.
> *Local Groups*
>    - We are excited to be exploring new activities in Italy, Romania,
>    India, Germany and China!
>    - Do get in touch if you'd like to act as an open science ambassador
>    in your region and begin to form a local group.
>    - Watch this space for an upgrade to the working group website to make
>    it much easier to find and view local groups and activities around open
>    science. If you're a whizz with javascript and would like to help out with
>    this we would love to hear from you :)
> *Working Group Coordinators*
>    - The email copied below this one listed several roles for which it
>    would be great to find volunteers. Thanks to all those who responded so
>    far! If you would be happy to assist but haven't responded yet, get in
>    touch or add your name and interests to the spreadsheet [1] <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtV3tIqIu0UZdHg0NDFkRy1POWhwQ2tsOEdTa2kyNlE&usp=drive_web#gid=0>
>    - Those who are interested in coordination are welcome to join a call
>    on *Monday 20 January 18:00 UTC* (agenda and details at [2]), if you
>    can't make it, do comment either before or after the meeting and feel free
>    to get in touch with me. We are likely to run another call in the near
>    future for those in different timezones.
>    - Look out for an update after this meeting on coordination going
>    forward and introductions from the new coordinator team!
> Thanks again and I'm really looking forward to working with you through
> 2014 :)
> Jenny
> [1]
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtV3tIqIu0UZdHg0NDFkRy1POWhwQ2tsOEdTa2kyNlE&usp=drive_web#gid=0
> [2] http://okfnpad.org/p/science-coord-20jan20140
> On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 9:24 AM, Jenny Molloy <jenny.molloy at okfn.org>wrote:
>> Hi All
>> I thought as we get to the end of 2013 it would be good to let you know
>> where the working group is at currently and let you have your say on how we
>> might proceed in our mission to open up science during the next year!
>> We have grown to over 630 members (!) on the mailing list and now have
>> local groups or representation in:
>> Sweden
>> Finland
>> UK (Oxford, London, Cambridge)
>> Australia
>> Austria
>> France
>> Brazil
>> US
>> Which is fantastic, but we'd love to expand further! If you would like to
>> be an open science ambassador for your region/country/city/university then
>> get in touch.
>> To help us keep track of all these activities and make sure we're being
>> as effective as possible at providing a space for discussions and
>> collaboration around open science, it would be great to hear from anyone
>> who would like to be more involved in managing the working group (also, I
>> have a thesis due in 9 months so any and all help is very much welcome from
>> my perspective!).
>> We would like to put together a group of community organisers to
>> contribute to a variety of roles. There can be a name for this group but we
>> haven't settled on one yet - suggestions welcome.The time commitment will
>> be flexible and relatively low, but it will make a big difference to have
>> someone keeping an eye on specific areas. The roles and tasks might include:
>> Organising working group meetings
>> Planning open science events at OKFest 2014
>> Documenting events and updates from the working group
>> Coordinating specific projects or documents
>> Blog Editing
>> Tech/Dev Liaison
>> Event Organisation
>> Designing publicity materials and logos etc.
>> Do get in touch if any of this sounds of interest even if you are only
>> able to contribute a small amount of time. If you have any questions,
>> please let Zara, Michelle and I know and we look forward to hearing from
>> you! Look out for another email about specific projects, events and 2014
>> working group activities coming shortly.
>> Jenny
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