[open-science] Building an Open Science Q&A site

Lukasz Bolikowski l.bolikowski at icm.edu.pl
Mon Feb 24 16:38:38 UTC 2014

Dear Egon,

Although the software engine powering StackExchange is not open source, 
data dumps of their sites are freely available and licensed under 
CC-BY-SA 3.0:


So we are not risking any lock-in, we will retain the freedom to migrate 
somewhere else if we choose so.  For me that is enough to feel comfortable.


On 02/23/2014 04:15 PM, Egon Willighagen wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 3:24 PM, Lukasz Bolikowski
> <l.bolikowski at icm.edu.pl> wrote:
>> *Technicalities*.  In the first phase (called "Definition") we need to
>> gather 60 people interested in creating the site.  We also need to write and
>> select a total of 40 on-topic and off-topic questions (examples of both
>> types are needed).  This way we will define what the site will and will not
>> be about, and we will move to the next phases (Commitment, then Private
>> Beta, then Public Beta).  Ultimately, we will all be collaboratively
>> building a knowledge base on Open Science and providing support for the
>> general public.
> StackExchange comes with its proprietary bits... please consider open
> solutions too, e.g. the BioStar Central platform:
> https://github.com/ialbert/biostar-central/
> Grtz,
> Egon

Dr. Łukasz Bolikowski, Assistant Professor
Centre for Open Science, ICM, University of Warsaw
Contact details: http://www.icm.edu.pl/~bolo/

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