[open-science] OpenVis & Earth app

Erdmann, Christopher cerdmann at cfa.harvard.edu
Fri Apr 10 10:32:35 UTC 2015

Hi everyone,

The other day I had the luck of attending OpenVis in Boston:

There were two apps that used open data, one called Asterank (
http://www.asterank.com/) and the other called Earth (
http://earth.nullschool.net/). For the Earth app, the developer Cameron
Beccario (@cambecc, github.com/cambecc/earth) had some concerns about how
accurate the visualizations are and expressed interest in working with
scientists. I was hoping that someone on this list might know of a
scientist or two that might be interested in helping? I've included
information about Cameron's talk below and tweeted the notes from OpenVis
which you can peruse: https://twitter.com/libcce/status/585103904054124547
(Cameron's notes are at the bottom). Slides and videos of the talks will be
posted soon (they say) on the site. Please do get in touch with Cameron
directly if you have found an interested scientist.

Earth is a cheap to run, fast to use, interactive visualization of public
domain weather data. Initially started as a fun project to learn
JavaScript, Earth quickly evolved into an effort to make weather
visualizations accessible, beautiful, and scalable. Launched with a tweet
in December 2013, the site received 1.5 million unique users in its first
month at an operational cost of $11. In this talk, Cameron will discuss the
technology behind Earth, the sourcing and processing of the data, and its
reception in communities around the world.

Cameron Beccario is a software engineer originally from Iowa but now living
in Tokyo, as one does. He works at Indeed, where he helps people get jobs.
Previously, he was manager of the core services team at TradingScreen, a
global trading platform, and an engineer at Microsoft on the Visual Basic
.NET compiler team. He received his bachelor's degree from Iowa State
University in computer engineering. In his spare time he has turned into
somewhat of a weather enthusiast, much to the surprise of this biographer.

Christopher Erdmann, Head Librarian
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, John G. Wolbach Library
cerdmann at cfa.harvard.edu | 617-495-7289 | @libcce
*http://library.cfa.harvard.edu/ <http://library.cfa.harvard.edu/>*
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