[open-science] Why do you use MediaWiki?

Ivan Ferrero ivan.ferrero1975 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 7 18:20:14 UTC 2015

Hi Matthew I agree with you, and this is the reason why I still haven't
decided yet.

If I gave up with the collaborative concept I'd install a multi-authors
Wordpress: easy to manage, easy to expand with add-ons, very easy to edit
the content.

I like the wiki concept too, but they don't render well on mobile devices
and similar, that are the future.
I sometimes ask myself why they still hadn't developed to reach the Web 2.0
or the Web 3.0 and all of their integrations.

I fear to spend more time on technical issues than on creating content and
managing the Community.

I'm having a look at https://osf.io/ that has all the features I want, but
it's a third party platform for me, so I'm trying to figure out a funding
model to support the project.

You give me useful links, but again I'm not a techie guy.

  [image: photo]
*Dr Ivan Ferrero*
Digital Psychologist, Mind-Body Psychotherapist
 m:+393334339624 | e:ivan.ferrero1975 at gmail.com | w:www.ivanferrero.it | a: via
Felice Bisleri 11, Milano (Italy)
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 From My Google Plus Page 27 chrome tabs and now it's frozen: maybe I
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  Get a signature like this:

2015-02-05 18:14 GMT+01:00 Mathew Lippincott <mathew at publiclab.org>:

> Public Lab staff here--
> I love markdown, so do most of our website power users.  but it is a HUGE
> barrier to accessibility on our site. Markdwon is elegant code, but you
> shouldn't make your contributors write code.
> Computer-oriented people do fine, but everyone else suffers.  We are
> currently working on a plan for a WYSIWYG editor, or at least a side-by
> side view such as ViewJS or Markdown Pad.  I highly recommend building in
> that functionality from the beginning.
> http://vuejs.org/examples/
> http://www.markdownpad.com/
> Mathew
> On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 8:55 AM, Ivan Ferrero <ivan.ferrero1975 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi SVAKSHA thank you for your reply!
>> I tell you by using an example:
>> The Git Hub Fork feature is good, but:
>> 1) the topic is a Psychological topic, so using GitHub would require a
>> too much hard learning curve
>> 2) I don't want people to disperse to other platforms: this would result
>> in a fragmentation, the opposite of my project goal.
>> My goal is to provide people the opportunity to donate something, or buy
>> something in order to sustain the website.
>> So I need members to stay inside my platform and to give the platform e
>> strong identity
>> I had a look at publiclab.org and would be a good solution (with all the
>> interaction features I need), but a main purpose of my platform is to let
>> members to fork projects.
>> i.e.: John creates a project.
>> Mike forks John's project and develops it further.
>> Alex enters John's or Mike's project and is able to see the project had
>> been forked.
>> Alex now is able to have a look at both projects.
>> The big picture is to have a collection of all the Projects people may
>> choose from and improve.
>> All this project would be under Creative Commons and free to use.
>> What do you think about it?
>> Ivan
>>   [image: photo]
>> *Dr Ivan Ferrero*
>> Digital Psychologist, Mind-Body Psychotherapist
>>  m:+393334339624 | e:ivan.ferrero1975 at gmail.com | w:www.ivanferrero.it |
>> a: via Felice Bisleri 11, Milano (Italy)
>>  <http://plus.google.com/+IvanferreroIt>  <http://twitter.com/IvanPsy>
>> <http://it.linkedin.com/in/ivanpsy/>  <http://www.pinterest.com/ivanpsy/>
>>   <http://instagram.com/ivanpsy/>
>> <http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwtpXynvhq5PG7K22q55-Qg>
>>     Latest Tweet: <https://twitter.com/IvanPsy> Another #stopbullying
>> <https://twitter.com/stopbullying> bill: PA Sen. Bob Casey West Philly
>> elementary school http://t.co/A645KRCcaz @c_todd
>> <https://twitter.com/c_todd> Read More
>> <https://twitter.com/IvanPsy/statuses/561486584789225473>
>>  From My Google Plus Page Have you ever thought about how
>> <https://plus.google.com/108685563399602479492/posts/Di7JmmJzp6g>
>>   Get a signature like this:
>> <http://ws-stats.appspot.com/r?rdata=eyJydXJsIjogImh0dHA6Ly93d3cud2lzZXN0YW1wLmNvbS8/dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1leHRlbnNpb24mdXRtX21lZGl1bT1lbWFpbCZ1dG1fY2FtcGFpZ249cHJvbW9fNDUiLCAiZSI6ICJwcm9tb180NV9jbGljayJ9> Click
>> here!
>> <http://ws-stats.appspot.com/r?rdata=eyJydXJsIjogImh0dHA6Ly93d3cud2lzZXN0YW1wLmNvbS8/dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1leHRlbnNpb24mdXRtX21lZGl1bT1lbWFpbCZ1dG1fY2FtcGFpZ249cHJvbW9fNDUiLCAiZSI6ICJwcm9tb180NV9jbGljayJ9>
>> 2015-01-31 11:22 GMT+01:00 SVAKSHA <svaksha at gmail.com>:
>>> Hi,
>>> On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 12:30 PM, Ivan Ferrero
>>> <ivan.ferrero1975 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > MediaWiki appears to be the best choice for an instructional wiki,
>>> though it
>>> > seems harder to install to a non-tech like me. :-)
>>> > I keep note.
>>> > Maybe I can find someone that takes care of the technical issues.
>>> >
>>> > As for the fork, GitHub would be the best choice, but I want the forks
>>> to
>>> > stay under the same domain in order to keep the identity of the
>>> project:
>>> I agree with Daniel's observation (locking down a wiki to avoid spam
>>> defeats the collaborative purpose) but github does offer an
>>> alternative for non-git users when it allows all the markdown files to
>>> be treated as a wiki. Also  they allow anyone with a github account
>>> the freedom to edit documents online. I've described it in bullet #4
>>> here: https://github.com/svaksha/Julia.jl#to-submit-a-pr
>>> >
>>> > 1) it should be able to contain not only the same single project and
>>> all its
>>> > variations, but all the project related to the topic
>>> I'm not sure I grok what you mean by this - by nature git is
>>> "distributed", so if you dont want forks of the project then you might
>>> want to consider a CC license that has a "No Derivatives" policy. Is
>>> that what you mean and would that help you? Ofcourse, the "ND" policy
>>> means others cannot contribute to your project. Catch 22.
>>> Hope That Helps, SVAKSHA ॥  http://about.me/svaksha>>>
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