[open-science] Open Science Prize launched

Daniel Mietchen daniel.mietchen at googlemail.com
Fri Oct 23 03:22:20 UTC 2015

Dear all,

this week, the U.S. National Institutes of Health, together with the
Wellcome Trust and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute launched the
Open Science Prize:
https://www.openscienceprize.org/ .

It invites teams to propose or refine technical infrastructure (e.g.
tools, services or platforms) that makes innovative use of open data
or that advances open science more generally, though with a focus on

The awards will be made in two phases - 6 at $80k each in Phase 1, and
in Phase 2, $230k for the winning team among these 6.

Teams must have at least one member each inside and outside the US,
and team members can be individuals, groups or legal entities (e.g. a
GLAM, a company or a city). The abstracts of the submissions will be
public, and openness beyond that is strongly encouraged.

Deadline for submissions to Phase 1 is February 29, 2016.

For official announcements, see
https://datascience.nih.gov/openscienceprize ,
and for an initial blog post by one of the members of the expert panel
for the prize, see
http://aoasg.org.au/2015/10/22/why-the-open-science-prize-is-important/ .

As I am involved in the organization of the prize as part of my work,
I cannot be part of any submitting team, but I will be happy to answer
any procedural questions you may have.

Please feel free to forward this to communities that you think might
be interested in coming up with an idea to submit.

Thanks and cheers,


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