[open-science] Seeking altmetrics advocates

Stacy Konkiel stacy.konkiel at gmail.com
Tue Oct 20 21:21:04 UTC 2015

Hi all,

Altmetric's recently launched Ambassadors program is actively recruiting 
researchers who are committed to open access/open science. We'd love it if 
you'd considering applying [1].

For those who aren't familiar with it, the Altmetric Ambassadors program 
was founded in the spirit of Impactstory's Advisors program--a way for us 
to help those passionate about altmetrics (in general) advocate for them at 
their organizations. We've already connected with over 200 researchers, 
librarians, and administrators; we hope you'll consider joining us.

If you have any questions, I'm happy to take them off-list.

Stacy Konkiel
Outreach & Engagement Manager, Altmetric

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