[open-science] ‘Transformative’ open access publishing deals are only entrenching commercial power (take 2)

Jon Tennant jon.tennant.2 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 15 11:39:33 UTC 2019

The first rule of mailing lists is do not post before you've had your
morning coffee. Apologies for double-posting, but it seems the link in the
previous message for some reason took you to Facebook. The actual link is
and the 'unloginwalled' version here:
*Rogue Palaeontologist; PhD, MEarthSci, MSc - *
*Center for Research and Interdisciplinarity, Paris.*

*Latest research papers*: Ten hot topics around scholarly publishing
<https://www.mdpi.com/2304-6775/7/2/34>; Open Access in Palaeontology
Ten simple rules for researchers collaborating on Massively Open Online
Papers (MOOPs) <https://osf.io/preprints/metaarxiv/et8ak>.

   - Founder of the *Open Science MOOC* <https://opensciencemooc.eu/> (open
   Slack <https://osmooc.herokuapp.com/> channel)


   - Founder of *paleorXiv* <https://paleorxiv.org/>, a free, open source
   digital publishing platform for all Palaeontology research (companion
   Website) <https://paleorxiv.github.io/>
   - Independent open science communicator and consultant
   - Author of Excavate! Dinosaurs
      World of Dinosaurs (coming 2018)

*Personal website <http://fossilsandshit.com/> - Home of the Green Tea and
Velociraptors blog.*

*ORCID:* 0000-0001-7794-0218 <http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7794-0218>
*Twitter:* @protohedgehog
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