[open-science] Survey on lab equipment and open science hardware

Jenny Molloy jcmcoppice12 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 31 11:12:59 UTC 2019

Hi All

See message below about some interesting research around lab equipment and
open hardware for science. Please contrbute if relevant to you and pass on
to colleagues!



My name is Andre M Chagas I am a Mozilla
 and FreiesWissen
working on issues around open science. I wonder if I could ask you to
spread the below 5 minute anonymous survey about the state of research
equipment in labs amongst your networks:

   - Survey: http://bit.ly/BFOSH
   - All results from the survey will be made freely available online once
   the project is completed.
   - Project's landing page: https://fosh-following-demand.github.io/en/home

In short, I'm interested in pushing open  science by building low-cost but
high-performance scientific equipment using an Open Hardware paradigm (if
interested, e.g. see here  <https://open-labware.net/>and here
<https://channels.plos.org/open-source-toolkit>). As part of this effort I
am being hosted at Prof. Baden's laboratory <http://badenlab.org/> at the
University of Sussex, UK, where we have been building open science
equipment  and teaching others to do the same together with Trend in Africa
<http://trendinafrica.org/>. We are now trying to build a global
understanding of current research-tool needs that are not yet being met by
competitive open hardware alternatives. The survey sets out to address
this. Basically, it asks which research tools scientists would particularly
use if there were ultra-low-cost DIY solutions out there. Once we know what
these are, we would then aim to build them.

Please share widely!

Many thanks

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