[open-science] ONE WEEK TO GO! Deadline for Presentations and Posters for CODATA 2019 Beijing is 8 July

Simon Hodson, ED CODATA simon at codata.org
Mon Jul 1 12:07:09 UTC 2019

Due to a number of requests from session organisers, we have agreed to extend the deadline for presentation and poster submissions to 8 July.  Please note that there will be no further extension.
Presentation and Poster Submissions

Please submit your proposal for a presentation or poster at https://conference.codata.org/CODATA_2019/submit/ <https://conference.codata.org/CODATA_2019/submit/>  - be sure to consult the guidelines and call for presentations and posters at https://conference.codata.org/conference/CODATA_2019/call_for_presentations/ <https://conference.codata.org/conference/CODATA_2019/call_for_presentations/>
Accepted Sessions

You may submit your proposal to one of the accepted sessions at https://conference.codata.org/CODATA_2019/sessions/ <https://conference.codata.org/CODATA_2019/sessions/> - if you do not find a session that fits your topic, please submit your proposal to the General Submissions.
Registration is Open

The Conference Website http://codata2019.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/1 <http://codata2019.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/1> now has information for registration, accommodation and visa matters.  Please make your arrangements as soon as possible!
CODATA 2019: Towards next-generation data-driven science: policies, practices and platforms
Science globally is being transformed by new digital technologies.  At the same time addressing the major global challenges of the age requires the analysis of vast quantities of heterogeneous data from multiple sources.  In response, many countries, regions and scientific domains have developed Research Infrastructures to assist with the management, stewardship and analysis.  These developments have been stimulated by Open Science policies and practices, both those developed by funders and those that have emerged from communities.  The FAIR principles and supporting practices seek to accelerate this process and unlock the potential of analysis at scale with machines.  This conference provides a significant opportunity to survey and examine these developments from a global perspective.
The conference themes and guidelines for proposals for presentations and posters may be consulted at https://conference.codata.org/conference/CODATA_2019/call_for_presentations/ <https://conference.codata.org/conference/CODATA_2019/call_for_presentations/>
The conference will follow a high-level workshop, 17-18 September 2019, on ‘Implementing Open Research Data Policy and Practice’ that will examine such challenges in China and elsewhere in the light of the emergence of data policies and in particular the China State Council’s Notice on ‘Measures for Managing Scientific Data’.

8 July: EXTENDED Deadline for presentation submissions and first round of poster submissions
22 July: Submitters notified of acceptances of full presentations and posters
18 August: Close of second round of poster submissions
18 August: Close of early bird registration
17-18 September: High Level Workshop on 'Implementing Open Research Data Policy and Practice’
19-20 September: CODATA 2019 Conference ‘Towards next-generation data-driven science: policies, practices and platforms’

We advise you to register, to make travel, accommodation and visa arrangements as soon as possible.
Practical information about the conference is available at http://codata2019.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/1 <http://codata2019.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/1>

Registration is now open at http://codata2019.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/70017 <http://codata2019.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/70017> - Please register as soon as possible!

We suggest you make your visa application as soon as possible.  Please find useful information at http://codata2019.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/70021 <http://codata2019.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/70021>

The conference venue is the Friendship Hotel.  Please find useful information at http://codata2019.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/65559 <http://codata2019.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/65559>.  Again we suggest you make accommodation arrangements at the Friendship Hotel or nearby as soon as possible.

For any further assistance and information please consult the website and contact details http://codata2019.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/65586 <http://codata2019.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/65586>


ONE WEEK TO GO, DEADLINE 8 JULY! Call for Presentations and Posters: CODATA 2019 Beijing <https://conference.codata.org/CODATA_2019/>

REGISTRATION OPEN: CODATA 2019 Beijing <http://codata2019.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/1>, Towards next-generation data-driven science: policies, practices and platforms, 19-20 September

June 2019 Publications <http://codata.org/blog/2019/07/01/june-2019-publications-in-the-data-science-journal/> in the CODATA Data Science Journal <https://datascience.codata.org/> 

Stay in touch with CODATA:

Stay up to date with CODATA activities: join the CODATA International News list <http://lists.codata.org/mailman/listinfo/codata-international_lists.codata.org>

Looking for training and career opportunities in data science and data stewardship?  Sign up to the CODATA early career community-run data science training and careers list <http://lists.codata.org/mailman/listinfo/data_science_training_lists.codata.org>
Dr Simon Hodson | Executive Director CODATA | http://www.codata.org

E-Mail: simon at codata.org | Twitter: @simonhodson99 | Skype: simonhodson99
Tel (Office): +33 1 45 25 04 96 | Tel (Cell): +33 6 86 30 42 59

CODATA (Committee on Data of the International Science Council), 5 rue Auguste Vacquerie, 75016 Paris, FRANCE
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