[open-science] Ten Hot Topics around Scholarly Publishing

Jon Tennant jon.tennant.2 at gmail.com
Tue May 14 12:43:04 UTC 2019

Hi everyone,

I hope you're having a wonderful day, and apologies for those of you who
get a repeated salvo of this message. I would like to draw your attention
to a new article "Ten Hot Topics around Scholarly Publishing" that has now
been published: https://www.mdpi.com/2304-6775/7/2/34

Some of you probably read the preprint version of this, or even provided
feedback. We made quite a lot of changes to the latest version, after a lot
of great comments!

Abstract: The changing world of scholarly communication and the emerging
new wave of ‘Open Science’ or ‘Open Research’ has brought to light a number
of controversial and hotly debated topics. Evidence-based rational debate
is regularly drowned out by misinformed or exaggerated rhetoric, which does
not benefit the evolving system of scholarly communication. This article
aims to provide a baseline evidence framework for ten of the most contested
topics, in order to help frame and move forward discussions, practices, and
policies. We address issues around preprints and scooping, the practice of
copyright transfer, the function of peer review, predatory publishers, and
the legitimacy of ‘global’ databases. These arguments and data will be a
powerful tool against misinformation across wider academic research, policy
and practice, and will inform changes within the rapidly evolving scholarly
publishing system.

Twitter thread here summarising some of the key points:

Huge thanks to all the contributors to this, and especially the amazing
co-authors: Harry Crane, Tom Crick, Jacinto Davila, Asura Enkhbayar, Jo
Havemann, Bianca Kramer, Ryan Martin, Paola Chiara Masuzzo, Andy Nobes,
Curt Rice, Bárbara Rivera, Tony Ross-Hellauer, Susanne Sattler, Paul
Thacker, and Marc Vanholsbeeck!

We really hope that this proves useful in helping to advance discussions.
As always, we would love to hear what you think, and especially what we
might have got wrong.



*Rogue Palaeontologist; PhD, MEarthSci, MSc*

*Latest paper*: Ten myths around open scholarly publishing

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   - Author of Excavate! Dinosaurs
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Velociraptors blog.*

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