[open-sustainability] Hello from London
Chris Sakkas
sanglorian at gmail.com
Fri Dec 14 01:13:33 UTC 2012
Hi Tom,
Great to have you!
I was interested to see that you support the Green members of the London
Assembly. I'm a member of the Australian Greens myself and I was wondering
if you had any thoughts about the role Green parties can play in open
knowledge - for example, open government, open access and changes to
copyright law.
We could shift that discussion to another mailing list (perhaps OK-discuss)
if it moved outside the scope of this list.
*Chris Sakkas
**Admin of the FOSsil Bank wiki <http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/> and the Living
Libre blog <http://www.livinglibre.com> and Twitter
On 11 December 2012 01:41, Tom Chance <Tom.Chance at london.gov.uk> wrote:
> **
> Hello,
> I'd like to quickly introduce myself, and some open sustainability data.
> I work at the Greater London Authority supporting the two Green Party
> Members of the London Assembly (a body of elected politicians who
> scrutinise the Mayor of London and have certain powers over his budget and
> strategy). I've also been involved on and off with the open data movement
> for many years in a personal capacity, including speaking at some of Rufus
> Pollock's ever-fun London Copyfighters' Drunken Brunch events back in 2005
> (those were the days!)
> The GLA launched one of the very first open data projects in the UK, where
> you can find quite a bit of enviromental data:
> http://data.london.gov.uk/taxonomy/categories/environment
> This includes the London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory, which sounds
> similar to the sort of data Hans Rosling wants to see published worldwide:
> http://data.london.gov.uk/datastore/package/leggi-2008-database
> Thanks to pressure from one of the Members I work with, the GLA has also
> started to release detailed modelling data underpinning its strategies, for
> example:
> http://data.london.gov.uk/datastore/package/climate-change-mitigation-and-energy-strategy-model-data
> In my personal life I have also pursued various experiments with
> sustainable lifestyles data in OpenStreetMap, for example:
> http://tom.acrewoods.net/2011/04/11/announcing-openecomaps-to-geeks/ (site
> currently not functioning!)
> http://tom.acrewoods.net/2012/10/04/mapping-for-pedestrians/
> http://tom.acrewoods.net/2012/10/26/londons-natural-geography/
> http://tom.acrewoods.net/2012/11/02/analysing-southwarks-natural-geography/
> I cannot give a lot of time in my day job to this group, but I look
> forward to seeing what it can achieve.
> Tom Chance
> Team Coordinator
> City Hall, The Queen's Walk, London SE1 2AA
> Tel: 020 7983 4963
> **
> The information in this email may contain confidential or privileged
> materials. Please read the full email notice at
> http://www.london.gov.uk/email-notice
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