[open-sustainability] Data on CO2 Reduction Initiatives, and how successful they've been

Townsend J.H. J.Townsend at soton.ac.uk
Wed Aug 14 10:01:49 UTC 2013

Hi all, anyone aware of datasets on CO2 reduction initiatives around the world, and how successful they've been?

More below.


Web, Open Data & Sustainability University of Southampton

@JackTownsend_ <https://twitter.com/JackTownsend_>  jack at jacktownsend.net<mailto:jack at jacktownsend.net>
+44 7934 508 661

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Saunby, Michael" <michael.saunby at metoffice.gov.uk<mailto:michael.saunby at metoffice.gov.uk>>
Subject: Climate Change fashion hack and CO2 reduction in Japan - Cool Biz
Date: 14 August 2013 10:20:59 BST


My thoughts last night were around discovering, mapping and comparing such initiatives around the world.  Reading your message reminds me that there should be a focus on some outcome.  How about "design for success" i.e. use what we collectively know about science, design, etc. to map out a new CO2 reducing strategy.  Not a policy target but one or two simple measures like Cool Biz.  Learn from what others have done, understand what contributed most to success.    If this were university led we could play on the two meanings of "smart".   This does seem like something we could start at the V&A and continue working on afterwards.

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