[open-sustainability] www.renewablefacts.com - tracking renewable power statistics worldwide

Andrew Cox andrew.coxuk at gmail.com
Thu Jul 25 18:07:30 UTC 2013

www.renewablefacts.com is a new website featuring renewable power
statistics from around the World, covering biomass, geothermal, hydro,
solar and wind power.

Over 200 market profiles are currently available, with thousands of
statistics and charts and a large range of downloadable factbooks.

The site differs from other renewable energy news sites in that the focus
is not on the news but rather on detailed and comprehensive industry and
market analysis for all markets around the World, utilizing data compiled
from a range of public, governmental and media sources.

The site is currently in beta and subject to funding availability, is
looking to expand to include e.g. sub-national level capacity or generation
analysis, renewable policies, power plant directories etc.

Worth looking at!!!

- Andrew Cox
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