[open-sustainability] Open Sustainability at OKCon

Jack Townsend jack at jacktownsend.net
Thu Oct 10 17:47:56 UTC 2013

Hi everyone

Just got a little time to follow up from OKCon. Those who were there please chip in.

Had a quick meeting on the Open Sustainability WG where we discussed:
Potential synergies with other groups: Transport, Science, Development, Cities…
Working with the OKFN Follow the Money campaign with, focussing on e.g. fossil fuel company influence (a la Open Oil/  Publishwhatyoupay.org) 
The OKFN OpenCO2 campaign, which hasn't made a lot of noise yet.
What we could learn from the success of the Open Development WG - particularly the sponsorship from the World Bank which has enabled them to gain a full-time support from the central office..
James Smith highlighted OpenAMEE, a powerful carbon emissions calculation tool that has been open-sourced
Quinn Ferguson wondered if there are more advanced ways of interacting than email lists!
My talk on the main stage on Open Sustainability is here.

And our Globe-Town.org sustainability app came second in the Linked Up open data in education competition, woot!  

Please keep tweeting @OpenSusty with any good open sustainability stories you see.

All the best

Web, Open Data & Sustainability		University of Southampton

@JackTownsend_ 					jack at jacktownsend.net

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