[Open-transport] Fw: Summer Events @ Social Innovation Camp

Javier Ruiz javier at openrightsgroup.org
Fri Aug 3 15:43:13 UTC 2012

FYI, see train data hackday below  

Javier Ruiz
javier at openrightsgroup.org
+44(0)7877 911 412

Forwarded message:

> From: Social Innovation Camp <hello at sicamp.org>
> To: Javier <javier at openrightsgroup.org>
> Date: Friday, 3 August 2012 15:03:19
> Subject: Summer Events @ Social Innovation Camp
> Summer Events @ Social Innovation Camp  
> Social Innovation Camp events this summer, please join us at Google Campus!
> Is this email not displaying correctly?
> View it in your browser (http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=e4b41fe3cc5cf3665c6a4d9e0&id=be6000c0dc&e=c57946078d).  
> SICamp and BGV events this summer!
> Since moving to Google Campus we've been busy filling up our shiny new space with as many exciting events as possible, and we wanted to send you a quick email to tell you a bit more about them. If any of you have suggestions for talks, hacks, workshops or any other events, please do get in touch we would love to hear your ideas.
> See you very soon...
> Eben Upton from Raspberry Pi Tuesday 14th August, 5.30-7pm
> Google Campus
> Eben Upton is the founder of the Raspberry Pi Foundation, which is developing a $25 microcomputer with the goal of putting programmable hardware in the hands of every child in the UK.  
> http://www.raspberrypi.org/ (http://sicamp.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e4b41fe3cc5cf3665c6a4d9e0&id=bd93f01557&e=c57946078d)
> Come and see him talk about how the product has taken off in a way its creators never imagined...
> Book your free ticket here: http://bgv-ebenupton.eventbrite.com (http://sicamp.us2.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=e4b41fe3cc5cf3665c6a4d9e0&id=170fa3b1d1&e=c57946078d)   
> Startups and Social Care
> Thursday 30th August, 6.30-9pm
> Google Campus  
> "What is the potential for new startups to get involved in Social Care?"
> How can we get beyond the idea of dwindling pensions and depressing care homes? How can we use technology to help build real world communities? What can startups do to fill the gap?
> For more information and to sign up for tickets: http://sicamp-socialcare.eventbrite.com (http://sicamp.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e4b41fe3cc5cf3665c6a4d9e0&id=0a97c3aea9&e=c57946078d)  
> Startup BookClub
> Tuesday 4th September, 6-7.30pm
> Google Campus
> Where Good Ideas Come From - The natural History of Innovation by Steven Johnson  
> Read the book and come join us for chats and wine...
> http://www.eventbrite.com/event/4042852280 (http://sicamp.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e4b41fe3cc5cf3665c6a4d9e0&id=af2b3b0683&e=c57946078d)
> Fairphone Urban Mining Workshop
> Monday 10th September, 6-8pm
> Google Campus
> "There is a big chance that you have somewhere a mobile phone that you don't use anymore. These mobile phones contain very valuable materials that could be recycled and reused. It's like mining, but in the city!  
> Do you want to know what your mobile phone contains? Where the materials come from? What are the social issues around their mining? JOIN US at the urban mining workshop!"
> Sign up here: http://urban-mining.eventbrite.com (http://sicamp.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=e4b41fe3cc5cf3665c6a4d9e0&id=8cf1b0b4ce&e=c57946078d)  
> On Rails
> Saturday 13th October, 10am- 6pm
> Google Campus
> Loco2 and Bethnal Green Ventures have teamed up to host OnRails, a hack day for doing cool stuff with train data and APIs.  
> Email lily at sicamp.org (mailto:lily at sicamp.org?subject=OnRails%20hack%20day) if you would like to come and take part.  
> Demo Day
> Thursday 4th October, 6-8pm
> Google Campus
> Come and see what our six teams have built over the course of the programme. To find out more about the teams and their work visit Bethnal Green Ventures (http://sicamp.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=e4b41fe3cc5cf3665c6a4d9e0&id=c037947be0&e=c57946078d).
> Email lily at sicamp.org (mailto:lily at sicamp.org?subject=Demo%20day) to book your place at Demo Day.  
>   (http://sicamp.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e4b41fe3cc5cf3665c6a4d9e0&id=5555d7bcb2&e=c57946078d)follow on Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/sicamp/) | friend on Facebook (#)  (http://sicamp.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e4b41fe3cc5cf3665c6a4d9e0&id=90db380d82&e=c57946078d)|  (mailto:?subject=Did%20you%20know%20about%20Social%20Innovation%20Camp%3F)forward to a friend (http://us2.forward-to-friend1.com/forward?u=e4b41fe3cc5cf3665c6a4d9e0&id=be6000c0dc&e=c57946078d)  (mailto:?subject=Did%20you%20know%20about%20Social%20Innovation%20Camp%3F)  
> Copyright © *|2012|* *|Social Innovation Camp|*, All rights reserved.
> Our mailing address is:
> hello at sicamp.org (mailto:hello at sicamp.org)  
> Google Campus
> 4-5 Bonhill Street
> London EC2A 4BX
> www.sicamp.org (http://sicamp.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e4b41fe3cc5cf3665c6a4d9e0&id=eb0bd75f87&e=c57946078d)
> www.bethnalgreenventures.com (http://sicamp.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e4b41fe3cc5cf3665c6a4d9e0&id=5f43d474d6&e=c57946078d)  
>  unsubscribe from this list (http://sicamp.us2.list-manage1.com/unsubscribe?u=e4b41fe3cc5cf3665c6a4d9e0&id=5db6a954eb&e=c57946078d&c=be6000c0dc) | update subscription preferences (http://sicamp.us2.list-manage.com/profile?u=e4b41fe3cc5cf3665c6a4d9e0&id=5db6a954eb&e=c57946078d)   
> Sent to javier at openrightsgroup.org (mailto:javier at openrightsgroup.org) — why did I get this? (http://sicamp.us2.list-manage1.com/about?u=e4b41fe3cc5cf3665c6a4d9e0&id=5db6a954eb&e=c57946078d&c=be6000c0dc)  
> unsubscribe from this list (http://sicamp.us2.list-manage1.com/unsubscribe?u=e4b41fe3cc5cf3665c6a4d9e0&id=5db6a954eb&e=c57946078d&c=be6000c0dc) | update subscription preferences (http://sicamp.us2.list-manage.com/profile?u=e4b41fe3cc5cf3665c6a4d9e0&id=5db6a954eb&e=c57946078d)  
> Social Innovation Camp · 18 Victoria Park Square · London, London E2 9PF  

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