[Open-transport] Open Transport Handbook - Request for Participation
Stéphane Guidoin
stephane at opennorth.ca
Fri Sep 28 14:43:28 UTC 2012
Yeah, I feel that the traffic data is one part that should be explored a
little more. I'll try to fit something in the current draft. Feel free to
change this if you want
On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 9:49 AM, Pieter Colpaert
<pieter.colpaert at okfn.org>wrote:
> Hi Stephane,
> this sounds great! Feel free to fit in your stories in the document. At
> this moment the handbook is too much focused on trains and buses. Your view
> seems like a missing link.
> Kind regards,
> Pieter
> Op 26-sep.-2012 18:13 schreef "Stéphane Guidoin" <stephane at opennorth.ca>
> het volgende:
> Hi Pieter,
>> I could bring some elements about traffic data since I'm working on this
>> currently but I don't really see how to plug it in the current organization
>> of the domain.
>> I see 2 possibles approach (non-exclusive)
>> - Standardization vs non-standardization: Transit is a good example
>> where light-weight standardization help the data to be used very
>> efficiently once opened. On the other hand, in the traffic world, we have
>> very complex, frequently unused standard. so even when the data is
>> published/open, it's a pain to use it. There's probably something around
>> that.
>> - Ownership of the data: in the traffic world, a lot of information
>> is coming from the private sector. So we could do a short investigation
>> about how some gov are managing this and raising the need for govs to have
>> a better control of this data.
>> Besides that, it's possible to show some existing initiatives (for
>> example San Francisco and NYC do have some traffic APIs but we are far from
>> the successes of GTFS for example.
>> (Disclaimer: I'm working on a project named Open511 that aims at
>> standardizing traffic data... it's non profit)
>> Steph
>> On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 3:47 PM, Pieter Colpaert <
>> pieter.colpaert at okfn.org> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> We are finalising the general outline of the Open Transport Handbook by
>>> Wednesday. If you would like another chapter to be included, please add
>>> the name of it (you can use the comment section if you don't have
>>> permission to change the document yet). We will freeze the outline on
>>> Wednesday.
>>> Next steps:
>>> * Lock a chapter: add your name to a certain chapter and tell everyone
>>> you're going to write the chapter by typing something like this:
>>> //Pieter Colpaert is writing this from his perspective as ...
>>> * We wanted to get a first version of all chapters by the first of
>>> October. We understand that this is quite early, but let's try to pull
>>> this off anyhow.
>>> * Starting the first of October we will give an editorial team 1 week
>>> to produce feedback.
>>> * Starting the 7th of October, the feedback can be processed.
>>> * Miet is going to do the graphic design starting the 14th of October.
>>> If you'd like pictures to be included, add them to the doc, but don't
>>> forget to add a link to the original picture, and don't forget to
>>> attribute if it's a CC BY licensed picture.
>>> * We want a final version to be ready by the first of November.
>>> The link:
>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j0T72DyPHZ--Tunw0holehidgCoGP7ujHsOFHeFe1YA/edit
>>> Start writing on this today, you won't regret writing history.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Pieter
>>> --
>>> OKFN Belgium vzw/asbl
>>> +32 (0) 486/747122
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>>> open-transport at lists.okfn.org
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>> --
>> Stéphane Guidoin
>> Director, Transportation
>> Open North
>> 514-862-0084
>> http://opennorth.ca
>> Twitter: @opennorth / @hoedic
Stéphane Guidoin
Director, Transportation
Open North
Twitter: @opennorth / @hoedic
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