[Open-transport] Presenting navitia.io, an API around open transport data

Tristram Gräbener tristramg at gmail.com
Sun Feb 24 15:35:45 UTC 2013


Quick personal presentation : I work at Canal TP, a French company
that works on public transit information systems.

We launched http://www.navitia.io to make it easier to use open transport data.

We are currently putting lot of efforts in stabilizing the API (as we
eat our own dog food and this API will be used for our futur
commercial projects).
However we will be gradually adding more networks.

It's still very young and it will need bug fixing, a better
documentation and at least some examples.

Pieter already asked : on the short term, it won't be open sourced. On
a longer term, there is a reflexion on-going but I cannot promise

So this is our small brick to help the re-use of open data.
I'm all ears to any suggestion

Have a nice Sunday afternoon.

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