[open-visualisation] open source visualisation software

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Thu Apr 1 11:19:19 UTC 2010

Dear David,

Indeed this was something we thought about a fair bit when we were
having our original open visualisation workshops in London back in


Originally we planned to combine this with a physical meet up and
split into groups to try out, evaluate, and write a brief
guide/walk-through for various software packages.

It will be great to take this up again. Perhaps we can kick things off
with a Skype meeting for interested parties?

All the best,


On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 12:07 PM, David Jones <drj at ravenbrook.com> wrote:
> On 31 Mar 2010, at 16:40, Lisa Evans wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm new to this list, so I will briefly introduce myself: I'm involved in
>> the OKFN as a researcher for the 'Where Does My Money Go' project. I joined
>> this mailing list to help make a good list of open source visualisation
>> software.
>> We have a long list of software tools at:
>> http://wiki.okfn.org/OpenVisualisation
>> I'm looking at a select few in more detail here:
>> http://docs.google.com/View?id=dcc9h7b6_38q9594qfj
> The problem with lists is that they get long.  The problem with
> visualisation software is that there are way too many to choose from and it
> seems hard to evaluate them (for example, of the 7 on your hand-picked list,
> I have only heard of 2 of them).
> Would it be a good idea to try and get a few of the list members to write a
> short review of their favourite visualisation software, what they use it for
> and why they like it? (I've just written one for OmniGraffle, but now I
> realise you were asking about Open Source).
> Your google doc is a start at that, but if we (or you at any rate!) are
> writing reviews we may as well pool them.
> drj
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Jonathan Gray

Community Coordinator
The Open Knowledge Foundation


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