[openbiblio-dev] Collections in Bibliographica

Jim Pitman pitman at stat.Berkeley.EDU
Mon Mar 28 14:36:33 UTC 2011

Tatiana de la O <tatiana.delao at okfn.org> wrote:

> * You have to log in first. No account, no collections! Login with an
> openid account at http://bibliographica.org/account/login

Nice, was able to do this through a Google account.

> * Go to a work/entry page, i.e.
> http://bnb.bibliographica.org/entry/GBA754208
> * Click the link 'Add to new collection' in the right sidebar.
> * Write the name/subject of the collection (I still need to provide an
> interface to edit this information afterwards)
> * If everything works, you should see your new collection appear in the
> sidebar.

This worked for me

> After that, you will see the collection listed on the sidebar every time
> you visit an entry/work page, and you will be able to add more items to
> it by clicking on the [add] link.

I could not make this work. I'm at  http://bnb.bibliographica.org/entry/GB5000530#
I see 
Pitman Collection [add]
in the sidebar.
But when I click "add" nothing happens.
When I click "Pitman Collection" I see my collection of 1 item.

Some further questions:

-- how to make bulk additions to a collection (e.g. all responses to a search like mathematics).

--- How large can a collection be ?

-- How can I export the data in my collections?

-- Generally, what facilities for bulk import/export of data collections?

Small bug: link to http://dewey.info/scheme/e18 on page above gives a 404

Great to see the progress


Jim Pitman
Director, Bibliographic Knowledge Network Project

Professor of Statistics and Mathematics
University of California
367 Evans Hall # 3860
Berkeley, CA 94720-3860

ph: 510-642-9970  fax: 510-642-7892
e-mail: pitman at stat.berkeley.edu
URL: http://www.stat.berkeley.edu/users/pitman

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