[openbiblio-dev] First cut of AsyncUpload branch

Mark MacGillivray mark at odaesa.com
Mon Feb 13 10:18:23 UTC 2012

On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 10:11 AM, Etienne Posthumus
<etienne.posthumus at okfn.org> wrote:
> Jim, do I understand it correctly that you suggest some sort of
> 'string-sniffing' support in ALL the parsers?
> IOW, when called in some manner as a convention, eg.
> someparser -s "arXiv:1201.6450"

This sounds to me like something that should come before parsing -
e.g. send a string to a URL, get back details of which parser would
parse it, then submit to that parser. Does not actually need to be
written into the parsers though.


> it returns some structured output along the lines of:
> { "recogised" : true/false,
> "canonical":"http://arxiv.org/abs/1201.6450",
> "metadata":"http://somemetadataurl"}
> Can you contribute a simple Python script that does what you suggest?
> (no parsing needed yet)
> Then we can see if this is general enough to recommend as a convention
> for other parser/scrapers.
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