[openbiblio-dev] Fwd: [bib-roadmap] Selecting a date for NISO's Bibliographic Roadmap in-person meeting

Tom Johnson johnson.tom at gmail.com
Tue Feb 5 16:45:56 UTC 2013

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Todd Carpenter (Gmail) <tcarpenter at niso.org>
Date: Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 9:39 AM
Subject: [bib-roadmap] Selecting a date for NISO's Bibliographic Roadmap
in-person meeting
To: bib-roadmap at list.niso.org
Cc: Nettie Lagace <nlagace at niso.org>, Todd Carpenter <todd at niso.org>

Good morning everyone,

We had a great response to the survey for when we should hold an in-person
meeting to flesh out the direction of the meeting.  From the responses, 58%
of you said that piggybacking on the ALA meeting would make sense, which
was the overwhelming favorite when it came to co-locating our meeting with
another.  However, more than 77% of you said you could attend an
independent meeting in the Baltimore/Washington area.  Many responded that
they couldn't attend any meeting without some travel support.

So as a result of this poll, we will move forward planning to hold a day
and a half in-person meeting in the Baltimore/Washington area.  To select
the best date, we'll do another short poll.  Please visit
http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/niso-bibroadmap-mtg and record which dates
are best for you.   Please respond by this Friday with you're preferences.
  We will announce the results next week.

We have identified the following dates:
Monday-Tuesday, March 11-12
Monday-Tuesday, March 25-26
Tuesday-Wednesday, March 26-27
 Wednesday-Thursday, March 27-28
Monday-Tuesday, April 15-16
Monday-Tuesday, April 22-23
 Thursday-Friday, April 25-26
Thursday-Friday, May 2-3
Monday-Tuesday, May 6-7

Many of those who said they couldn't attend the meeting replied they
couldn't do so for funding reasons.  A large part of the funding that we've
received from the Mellon Foundation is to support the travel costs of an
identified group of participants.  We will reach out directly to those that
respond who are eligible for funding.  (Unfortunately, Mellon's grant
funding guidelines required us to provide a list of eligible
people/institutions, so this is not an openly available stipend, but we
were as inclusive as we could be in our list.)

Our plan for the initial meeting is to collectively prepare a draft bullet
list of potential discussion topics with a brief background on each topic
(if necessary) that we will circulate prior to the meeting.  This
discussion list will provide the basis for an un-conference style
discussion of grouping topics  and approaches that we as a group will
prioritize and discuss.  We will then break out into a variety of groups to
discuss the subtopics of greatest interest.   We will iterate this process
a few times to identify and flesh out the topics of the highest priority
from its participants.  By the end of the second day, we hope to have
identified 3-6 sub-topics that need further exploration and discussion.
 Subgroups will be formed for virtual meetings and conversations after the
in-person meeting to discuss those sub-topics in more detail during a
series of teleconferences and webinars. .

In order to draft this talking-points, bullet list, your ideas about topics
are most welcome and we can begin some discussion on this list by
suggesting them now.  Among those that came up during the call were:
economics, user issues, project identification/mapping ongoing work,
implementation barriers, development/implementation timeline, user
interfaces.  At this stage, no ideas are bad ones!

Thank you again for your interest in this project and for helping to push
the initiative forward.


-Tom Johnson
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