[OpenDesign] hello list!

anNa seravalli anna.seravalli at mah.se
Thu Mar 15 09:30:38 UTC 2012

Hi everybody!
thank you so much for setting up this it sounds great! I am really looking
forward to discuss with all of you!

my name is Anna Seravalli and I am a service designer with a background in
industrial design.
Right now I am based in Malmö Sweden where I am working with design for
participatory innovation in the contest of Living Labs.

I am involved in the co-design and co-running of platforms facilitating
collaboration between companies, NGOs, public agencies, citizens
Fabriken is a maker-space, The Neighborhood
is an "infrastructure of people" connecting bottom-up initiatives with more
established actors in the city of Malmö to foster social innovation.

The experiences of Fabriken and the Neighboorhood are the focus of my PhD
in interaction design where I am trying to understand how the
collaborations emerging from the two platforms
could foster local resilience (aka being economic sustainable, generating
social value and being environmentally sustainable). When it comes to
open-design I am relating to Bauwens work, Van Abel et al and Peter Troxler
(thank you so much for the stuff you have written!). I am also building  on
the Scandinavian participatory design tradition and working with ideas such
as design-in-use, infrastructuring and collaborative prototyping.

Among other questions at the moment I am dealing with:
- design for collaborative networks aka navigate the mess of putting
together diverse agendas and foster collaboration
- working in and for a network that designs
- which values are generated by alternative (p2p, collaborative, open)
production?is that sustainable as a model for future production?
- what about alternative production in public services?

Looking forward for knowing more about your projects!


Anna Seravalli
PhD Candidate Research Fellow
MEDEA Collaborative Media Initiative
Malmö University

+46 72 744 55 24

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