[OpenDesign] really good article

anNa seravalli annaseravalli at gmail.com
Wed Sep 5 12:52:50 UTC 2012

Hi all,
I just found this really good article discussing the differences of openess
and licensing in open software and open hardware
I think it opens up a lot of relevant questions for this group.

2012/9/4 Attila Bujdoso <bujatt at gmail.com>

>  hey all,
>  there was a network set up by some European media labs. As a result the
> http://www.labtolab.org/ website shows quite some documentation of the
> network, involved parties etc. It is rather raw material but still valuable.
>  Hope it helps,
>  Attila
> Attila BUJDOSÓ : bujatt at gmail.com +36-70-2809137 http://bujatt.com
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Kitchen Budapest <http://kitchenbudapest.hu/> : Pecha Kucha Night Budapest<http://pechakucha.hu/>
>  : Remix Architecture <http://remixarchitecture.org/>
> On 3 September 2012 16:15, Kohtala Cindy <cindy.kohtala at aalto.fi> wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I wonder if there have been any good publications (preferably something
>> with a platform - like a conference paper or a peer-reviewed journal - not
>> just a blog entry) on the labs in the Fab Lab network? possibly including
>> other maker spaces and labs too
>> I know that e.g. Peter Troxler addresses business models in certain labs
>> in "Bending the Rules" (
>> http://square-1.eu/site/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/TroxlerWolf2010_BendingTheRules_FablabInnovationEcology_pub.pdf)
>> and I've seen the matrix in the Libraries of Peer Production chapter.
>> Anything else, Peter, that I've missed?
>> Just wondering if there is a larger overview - what Fab Labs are open
>> now, are they institutional or commercial, which ones have explicitly green
>> agendas, business models, user types, project and output types etc.
>> Thanks for all info
>> Cindy in Helsinki
>> P.S. Welcome to my event at the Open Knowledge Festival!
>> Cindy Kohtala
>> Doctoral researcher
>> Department of Design
>> Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture
>> Helsinki, Finland
>> cindy.kohtala at aalto.fi
>> +358 (0)50 564 0400
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