[Open Design & Hardware] Introduction: Aleksandar Kovac

Dr. Peter Troxler trox at fabfolk.com
Mon Jul 22 19:14:07 UTC 2013

Hi Alexandar

good to meet you here.  Are you only looking at software developer communities … or is hardware also interesting?

If so there would be a great opportunity to meet some of the hardware guys at the 9th international FabLab workshop and symposium (Fab9) in Yokohama in August this year.  Details at http://fab9jp.com

Particularly interesting could be the research track, to which submission is still open until the 24th … you'll find the call and submission link here: http://www.fab9jp.com/Call_for_Contributions.pdf  (we will also, as a follow-up, publish a special issue of the Journal of Peer Production) … so if that is of interest for you, you are more than welcome to contribute

/ Peter

On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 9:03 AM, Aleksandar Kovač <alex.ecorrespondence at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone an Open Design, 
> If you allow me, I would love to become a part of these discussions and perhaps even contribute to some of your admirable work so far.
> My name is Aleksandar Kovac. I am a doctoral candidate at Kyoto Institute of Technology. I have been researching methodologies in theory and practice of designing in open information contexts. For the last couple of years I am field-researching designers and designing in open source software development process, hoping to find where, how, and why do designers succeed (and more often than not) fail when collaborating on design solutions in such communities. The idea (loftily said) is to provide designers some kind of heuristics or philosophy that would guide their designing behavior when designing with/within communities and societies both online and offline.
> I will do my best to make my contribution here less boring than this clumsy introduction. :)
> Looking forward to reading/replying here,
> and greetings to all of you, once more,
> Alex
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