[Open Design + Hardware] What is Open Social Innovation and why we need free/libre recipes

Lilian Ricaud lilious at gmail.com
Fri Apr 4 14:12:51 UTC 2014

In this article I describe *Open social innovation,* a new intellectual
framework to facilitate the sharing of social practices.

Although the concept described here has been proposed by a network of
french social innovators, there are many many groups around the world who
are already thinking along the same line. These groups don’t recognize each
other because the lack a common framework and vocabulary. This article
hopes to propose such a framework and open the discussion.



Lilian Ricaud

Consultant-Formateur  - Travail en Réseau et Coopération Ouverte
contact at lilianricaud.com
Twitter: @lilious <https://twitter.com/lilious>
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