[Open Design + Hardware] new design research discussion forum

Kohtala Cindy cindy.kohtala at aalto.fi
Fri Apr 21 05:45:19 UTC 2017

Hi all 

some young researchers have been frustrated at much of design academia and its largely Euro- and US-centric focus (i.e. mainly white men telling them what to research and how to research it, in listservs and design society conferences). 

they have initiated an alternative design forum 

could be a nice place for us to discuss particular open design issues. 

the forum is still in beta stage and it is slowly gaining membership but do join. 
there is also a Facebook group to discuss the technical and usability issues if you want to contribute that way too. 

all the best

Cindy Kohtala
Postdoc researcher, Department of Design
Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture
Helsinki, Finland 
cindy.kohtala at aalto.fi

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