[Openglam_members] Fwd: [cultural-partners] OpenGlam Conference in Poland

Joris Pekel jpekel at gmail.com
Fri Aug 23 07:26:05 UTC 2013

Hi all,

Yes it would be great if one of us could make it. Alek Tarkowski asked me
if I could come but unfortunately Europeana organises a gathering of
aggregators during those two days in Berlin. He would like to have a talk
about legal and technical issues when it comes to opening up culture data.
Sam also can't make it. Is anybody of you interested in going? They can pay
for travel and accommodation.



2013/8/23 Sarah Stierch <sarah.stierch at gmail.com>

> See below!
> Sent from my iPhone
> Begin forwarded message:
> *From:* Tomasz Ganicz <polimerek at gmail.com>
> *Date:* August 22, 2013, 4:37:19 PM PDT
> *To:* Wikimedia Chapters cultural partners coordination <
> cultural-partners at wikimedia.ch>
> *Subject:* *[cultural-partners] OpenGlam Conference in Poland*
> *Reply-To:* Wikimedia Chapters cultural partners coordination - closed
> list <cultural-partners at wikimedia.ch>
> Hi,
> Please spread it whenever you find it applicable.
> We are pleased to announce Poland's first conference on the idea of
> openGLAM - a new way of thinking about the mission of cultural
> institutions and the use of their resources - at the Zachęta National
> Gallery of Art on 11-12 October 2013.
> We are waiting through 31 August for suggestions of sessions,
> workshops, and presentations to draw up the conference programme
> together. We are already registering conference participants.
> The main purpose of the conference is to present outstanding examples
> of implemented initiatives as well as to discuss the benefits - and
> challenges - of openness. Special emphasis will be on educational and
> regulatory issues. openGLAM 2013 will be an opportunity for
> open-culture activists to meet persons and institutions willing to
> proceed in this direction. We hope it will provide a great forum for
> sharing knowledge and experiences.
> openGLAM 2013 is an initiative addressed primarily at staff members of
> cultural and heritage institutions, increasingly often referred to as
> the 'GLAM' (galleries - libraries - archives - museums) sector. It
> will also prove of interest to persons cooperating with such
> institutions and running projects that use their resources:
> researchers, culture animators, authors, NGO activists.
> Interested persons and/or organisations are asked to submit programme
> proposals in three categories:
> + sessions or workshops: please submit title, abstract, and proposed
> participations of a session/workshop 90-120 minutes long;
> + presentations: please submit title and abstract of a presentation up
> to 20 minutes long
> + poster-session presentations: please submit title and abstract of a
> presentation up to 20 minutes long, accompanied by a poster or other
> form of visual presentation
> We are also open to other creative ideas.
> The main spoken language of the conference is Polish, but we are about
> to provide symultaneus translation to English.
> Where: Zachęta -- National Gallery of Art, Warsaw
> When: 11-12 October 2013
> Organised by: Zachęta -- National Gallery of Art, Stowarzyszenie
> Wikimedia Polska, and Centrum Cyfrowe Projekt: Polska. The conference
> is part of the Otwarta Zachęta project.
> Conference website: http://openglam2013.pl
> Submissions and registration:
> http://openglam2013.pl/zgloszenie-udzialu-w-konferencji  - at the
> moment the page is in Polish only - but if you wish to join - please
> send me short abstract in English and few words about you - I'll fill
> the registriation form for you.
> Cheers,
> --
> Tomek "Polimerek" Ganicz
> http://pl.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Polimerek
> http://www.ganicz.pl/poli/
> http://www.cbmm.lodz.pl/work.php?id=29&title=tomasz-ganicz
> _______________________________________________
> Cultural-Partners mailing list
> Cultural-Partners at wikimedia.ch
> https://intern.wikimedia.ch/lists/listinfo/cultural-partners
> Please treat emails sent to this list as confidential.Ask senders for
> permission before forwarding emails off-list.
> _______________________________________________
> OpenGLAM_Members mailing list
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