[Openglam_members] GLAM Benchmark Survey - Meetup on 9 Jan 2014 - Minutes

Estermann Beat beat.estermann at bfh.ch
Thu Jan 9 18:09:43 UTC 2014

Dear all,

You'll find the minutes of today's kick-off meeting in the Google Doc:

@meeting participants: please have a look and make corrections/additions if necessary by the end of the week.

I'm glad that so many of you were able to participate in today's meeting! - The fact that the project is met by so much enthusiasm will certainly act as a motivator to all of us and pave the way through the project's start-up phase!

I have started to set up a portal on the Outreach wiki that is dedicated to the coordination of our benchmark survey:

It is still quite incomplete. So please jump in and help developing it! - I think we can copy a lot from the Wiki Loves Monuments coordination portal.

Concerning the mailing list, I would suggest that we use the openglam_members list to coordinate the work for the survey, unless some of the other list members are protesting against that plan during the coming days. We are currently 18 people subscribed to this mailing list out of which 9 have already manifested their interest in contributing to the benchmark survey. We can always set-up a separate mailing list later on if needed.

Next week, I'm planning to further develop the wiki pages on the Outreach Wiki, advertise our project among the wider GLAM-Wiki community, and make a few suggestions how to organize our work over the coming weeks.

I think it would be an excellent idea if our Dutch colleagues would meet as soon as possible in order to constitute their local team, to clarify roles and start working towards the pretest.

If you have any questions, comments, or ideas of how to further organize our work, please share them by e-mail or on the wiki!

Kind regards,

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